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Sunday, September 13, 2009


My heart broke into a million pieces yesterday. It was the hardest day ever. We got up and thought we had packed up everything. I now realize I forgot my face cleanser. Not sure if I forgot my ipod cord as well. We will see when I take a look. We left the hotel at around 1000. He charged us an extra 50 euro for damage from Logan. Logan was playing with this huge mirror on the wall and he pushed it off. It weighs a tonne. Thank goodness it didn't hit him. It fell down and the whole thing didn't break, just a little piece on top not connected to the mirror. HE charged us 50 euro and then says will refund if it is cheaper when he has it repaired. sucks, but oh well. Then we decided to drop off my stuff and check me in. They dropped me off at around 1100 and I ran in to check in. There was a sign saying check in doesn't open till 1225. So I went back out and waited for them to come back from their loop. They picked me up, luggage and all, and we went to return the rental car and get them checked in. I have no idea how Paul managed by himself with all of the luggage when he came over. We had a trolly piled high with all his stuff and mine and then Logan in his stroller. Car seat piled on top of the luggage. We got my receipt for the rental car and then headed to check them in. Logan was very moody. I think he knew it was separation time. We checked them in and then we got them to let Paul take the carseat on the plane. On the way over, they made Logan sit in the seat without it so he wasn't comfortable. This will hopefully have made it easier on the both of them. Then we were going to grab a bite to eat but didn't see anywhere before we got to their security gate. I picked Logan up and he was distracted by one of those airport cars and wanted to drive it. Was upset I couldn't let him. I gave him hugs and he finally hugged me but wouldn't kiss me. I was so sad, crying all over the place. Gave Paul big hugs and kisses and then watched them walk away. Logan was looking back and I was saying bye bye and then I think he finally understood because he burst out crying. Not sure what happened after that or how long he cried. Paul had a backpack on the back, one on the front, pushing the stroller and carrying the carseat. My big strong man. I hope they aren't too jet lagged and that they made it home safe. Will call them later tonight to make sure all is well. Then I took my luggage and boarded the skytrain shuttle to my terminal. I waited in a long line to check in. it was around 1230. Then after checking in I went upstairs and grabbed some lunch. Then I made my way to my gate. They didn't upgrade me to business class this time. I even asked if there was room but they said they were full. Oh well :( I got a 30 minute back, shoulder, neck, and arm massage at a little spa while I was waiting. Was nice. I was tired I thought I would sleep the whole flight but I couldn't. The people beside me got up multiple times to go to the washroom and I was on the aisle. The stupid thing was that she would go and then he would go when she came back instead of going at the same time. The flight was really good though. The service on Emirates is amazing. They give you a hot facecloth to wash your face, the main dish I didn't like but they brought me an extra bun, and cheese when I asked. Had some free chardonnay, and watched dexter. Didn't sleep at all. Landed at 2335, cleared security, got bags and had to wait till 0200 to be picked up to come back to camp at the staging base. Got to bed at around 0300 and then got up at 1100. Heading to town at 1300 till 1800 to do some shopping and looking around. My last day off till I finish the tour.

In closing, thank you everyone for thinking of us. It is a really tough team but I hope it will go by super fast. We had a wonderful, wonderful family vacation with memories that we will treasure always.

Love Rae-Lynn (missing Paul and Logan soooooo much)

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