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Thursday, November 12, 2009

13 NOVEMBER 0026

Had an awesome day today. I woke up at 0730 to go to the washroom. Finally got back to sleep around 0900-1100, then got up and showered and met up with Jason for lunch and then our first shift together with me training him. He is super smart and is totally like my twin. I think we were separated at birth. It is so awesome training someone who is so switched on. We get along really well. We had a tough shift and were crazy busy. He is very keen to learn and will pick it up no problem. Finished up at 1900 and Jason bought a pizza for us to eat. Was awesome. Then I went to the px and picked up a pair of sweatpants and some other surprises. Then I went and hung out with Trevor for a bit and then came back here. We had a comms lockdown so had to wait for it to be lifted to be able to blog.

They aren’t going to switch my flight so we are deciding if we will buy my flight ourselves or not. I am even considering flying to Vancouver the night of the 24th and then getting a flight to comox first available. We will see!! I am waiting to hear from Paul about the Nanaimo option. It is the cheapest and will get me to Nanaimo for 0907 which is 5 hours earlier. Maybe him and Logan can sleep over at M&J and then all come to pick me up on the 25th. We will see.

Love Rae-Lynn

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