Hello everyone.
Almost 32 weeks along. Only 7 more weeks to go if I have a c-section at 39 weeks!!!
Paul and I went to turkey bingo at the officer's mess on the 26th. They had free childcare for the event. We had to pay $5 for his pizza but Logan had a blast. They said he was wonderful and welcome back any time. He also made some crafts and they watched a movie.
We are back from our trip to Vegas. Let's see how much I remember!!!
We left home on the 27th of November and drove down to Parksville and slept over at Marjorie and Jerry's. We were flying out of Vancouver and were planning on walking on the ferry and taking the bus to the airport but with our luggage and Logan etc we decided it would be easier to just drive on the ferry and use the park n'fly. Cost an extra $300 vice $90 or so to walk on and take the bus but was much more convenient, especially with the weather. We had a great visit with Marjorie and Jerry and a great breakfast before we took off on the 28th. Logan said he was staying with them so we weren't sure he was going to come but he decided to come with us. He enjoyed riding on the big boat, and then the park n'fly shuttle, and then the airplane. He loved the escalator sidewalks in the airport as well. We packed sandwiches for lunch and then I took Chilli and a bun on the flight for supper from Timmies and Paul took some asian cuisine. Flight went well. They gave Logan a free pair of head phones since we forgot his. He hardly used them but they are normally $3 each. Flight was a half hour delayed but was a direct flight to Las Vegas.
When we got to Vegas our luggage was off pretty quick and then we grabbed the airport shuttle to the rental vehicles. We had rented from national and when we got into the building there was a sign saying that if you were an Emerald club member to go right up to the garage. We went up and the attendant told us that we could pick any vehicle out of the first 2 hours. We were incredulous because we had rented a corolla mid size. Emerald club gets a free upgrade to standard there so we picked a chevy HHR. It was awesome. We also rented a carseat because Paul didn't want to haul ours way down there. Worked out to an extra $50 for the seat for the week for a total of $203 American which is pretty sweet with unlimited kms. We checked out the car and then headed to the timeshare to check in to our room. We stayed at the Cancun Grand Monarch Vacations Resort at 8335 Las Vegas Boulevard South. Mom and Dad H gifted us a week since they couldn't use it and it would expire. We had originally planned on going to the Dominican but flights didn't work out well for us. We were able to use our aeroplan points and fly to Vegas. Dad flew down to meet us. He came from the 29th-6th and we were there the 28th to the 5th. We checked in to our room and put some stuff away and then decided to head out to wal-mart to pick up some groceries so that we could eat most breakfasts and pack lunches for the week. Thank goodness for our gps. It was amazing!!!! We headed to Wal-mart and got the groceries. Then we came back to the timeshare and hung out a bit before bed.
Monday morning we got up and had breakfast and then decided to check out the outlet mall which was near our timeshare before we picked Dad up from the airport. There was alot of kiosks selling stuff in the centre aisle of the mall and lots of shops. I let Logan go on a ride and that was a disaster because he wanted more more more. We finally got him away and were able to find a stride right shoe store. Mom H always buys Logan stride right shoes which normally run around $60-65 in Canada. We were able to get him a pair for $33. sweet deal!!! Then there was a huge carousel ride in the middle of the mall but I only had $100 American bills and no change so I felt bad Logan couldn't go on it. We finished walking thru the mall and headed back to the timeshare. Dad had called earlier and said they were delayed an hour. By the time we headed to the airport Dad called us enroute and was ready for pickup. I forgot that he had no checked bags. We headed to terminal 1 to find him. We did 2 loops and didn't see him and called him and told him where we were. He mentioned he had taken a shuttle somewhere so I was a little worried but after we parked we saw him so we went and met him and headed for lunch. Logan was very happy to see his Papa and recognized him immediately.
After lunch we took Dad back to the timeshare to stow his bags and then I think we must have went to costco but can't remember. Paul got some cheap booze. We picked up a pizza for $10 for supper and then hit wal-mart and then home again.
Tuesday we decided to try and see the grand canyon. Due to some bad info on the internet we ended up in Peach Springs, Arizona on route 66. There is nothing there. We would have had to drive another hour to Williamsburg and then 2 hours north to the south rim. We decided to turn around and head back to Vegas. We should have went to the west bowl which is where the tourist trap clear walkway is. I am not that disappointed that we didn't see it but Paul regrets missing it. We did see the Hoover Dam which was super cool!!!! Logan ran all of the way up the walkways and down!!! We took the stairs for some of them!!! On the way back to Vegas we stopped at the Hacienda Casino/hotel for supper since they were having an $8.95 all you can eat prime rib buffet. Due to my gestational diabetes I had to contain myself so I had a reasonable meal. Was a great deal!!! $8.95 even included drinks!!! Then we headed back to the timeshare. Paul and Dad decided to hit the strip that night for some gambling. I know they went to the MGM but craps was $10 so Paul ended up going to Planet Hollywood for awhile. Then they went downtown as well. I stayed home with Logan.
On Wednesday we did some laundry and then Dad walked to the pharmacy for some exercise. Logan and Paul decided to go swimming. I booked this particular timeshare for Logan because of the waterslides and pool but unfortunately he was too short and they wouldn't let him on. Worked out well for Paul since it was only 55 F out and the water was 85. He froze his feet when they were dry walking to the top of the waterslide. They had a blast swimming. We lucked out. We were supposed to have to pay for laundry but the machines on our floor ended up free!!!
After laundry at some point we headed out and went to the Silverton Casino to see the aquarium. Was super cool. Then Paul and Logan shopped at Bass Pro shop while Dad and I played some machines. Then we drove down the strip. We stopped at the MGM and Dad played the machines while we went to see the Lion Habitat. Then we went to M&M world and then we all headed downtown to the Gold Spike for a $5.95 12oz prime rib dinner!!!! Another sweet deal. Then we parked at bunions and Paul, Logan and I went to see the laser light show and Dad played some machines. Logan loved the light show and danced around. People enjoyed his dancing.
Wednesday night Dad and I headed to South Point for Bingo. Close a few times but didn't win. It was so smoky in the casinos my throat, nose and eyes were sore all week.
Thursday morning Paul, Logan and I headed out to some scrapbooking stores to take a look. Then Thursday afternoon we went to Callaway golf centre and Dad and Paul got some souvenirs and then we took Logan to Circus Circus Adventureland. He had a blast. We watched Spongebob and Dora in 4D and he went on alot of rides!!! After we got home, Paul and Dad headed out to the Silverton for some gambling and I stayed home with Logan and watched Grey's anatomy and Private Practice.
Friday we chilled out for a bit and then we headed to town. We went to the mirage and saw the dolphins, and the lions and tigers. Was alot of fun. Then we went and saw the fountain show at the Bellagio. Logan loved it as did we. Dad played some machines while we were doing that. Friday night Dad and I headed to South point for a couple of hours. $20 lasted me 2 hours and then we went back home. Paul stayed with Logan.
Saturday we drove down to Boulder City so I could take Logan on the Santa train. It was only $4 each and we rode the train for 40 minutes. 20 minutes one way and then back to the station on a real train. Logan loved it. Dad and Paul went to the Hacienda. Then we stopped at Jo-anne's scrapbook store for me and costco for them. After that Wal-mart I believe and then back home to the timeshare. Dad watched Logan saturday night and Paul and I went to see the Phantom of the Opera. $104 total for the 2 of us to see the show which was amazing. On the way home Dad called and said that his nose had been bleeding for the last 2 hours. We hurried home and Paul took Dad to the ER since he is on blood thinners and we were really worried. They were there for 2 hours or so and I hung out with Logan and packed. They got home at midnight. They put a "tampon" thing in Dad's nose. Apparently it hurt like hell and Dad's leg was shaking and his eyes were watering. She shoved it up there and then realized it was the wrong size, so pulled it out and put in a smaller one. They also gave Dad some insulin since his was high. He was supposed to leave that thing in his nose for 5 days. I was happy that he was alright. Worried about the bill though. They didn't give them one but they have his address so I am sure it will be in the mail.
Sunday morning we were up at 0615 and finished packing up and tidying up the rooms. Paul and I had a sweet king size bed in our room and a regular crt tv. We had a huge jacuzzi tub and double sink bathroom ensuite. Dad and Logan shared a room with 2 twin beds. They also had a bathroom with a big tub and 2 sinks. We all had awesome duvets. The living room was pretty sparse but had a fold down queen couch and a crt tv and a dvd player. Dad & Logan's room had a flat screen tv on the all. Then we packed up the HHR and managed to fit everyone's stuff in. I took an extra duffle bag for the purchases. I looked online and we were only entitled to one bag each so we were lucky we only took 2 bags down and the third bag back counted as Logan's. We stopped at Denny's and had one last breakfast together and then took Dad to the Station house hotel and Casino where we had found him a room for $20. They then charge you an extra $16 or so to cover phone calls and the gym and the shuttle to the airport. Unfortunately Dad's flight was at 0650 on the 6th and the first shuttle is at 0600 so he still had to spend $20 on a cab. I checked Dad in and we were lucky that he could have his room at 0830 instead of waiting till 1500. I was still really worried about going and leaving Dad. Then we took him to the pharmacy and then back to the hotel and dropped him off. As per always, I cried as we drove away. Man I love my Dad. We had such a great visit even though Logan was so moody!!! Crusty pants is what I call him!!! Then we headed to top of with fuel and then back to the rental car place to drop off the vehicle. Was soooooooooo fast. The attendant came with a little machine and printed our receipt and told us to grab the shuttle to the airport. We did that. Logan loved the airport shuttle bus because he didn't have to sit in a car seat!!! Then we checked our bags and went to wait for the plane. Everything was on time. I love pre-boarding!!!!! This time Logan wanted the window seat so Paul sat in the middle. We had a lunch packed with us and ate that. Logan fell asleep shortly. I got to finish watching Eat Pray Love which I watched on the way down, and then I watched Good Company. Paul had a short nap for a bit and I'm not sure what he watched. We grabbed our bags and grabbed the shuttle to the park n'fly. You call a number when you land and they have your vehicle ready for you when you get there. We paid and since it was already 1500 decided that the 1700 from horseshoe bay would be our best bet vice the 1545 from Tsawassen. It took us forever to get there due to all of the traffic and then we had supper on the ferry. It was soooo expensive. Total gouge! Then we got off the ferry and dropped by Marjorie and Jerry's to pick up some stuff we had left there and had a quick visit. Logan was sleeping in the car!!! We got home to our freezing house!!! We had turned the heat down so it was really chilly. Didn't get home till just before 2100. The power went out some time that night and came back on at 0500 waking us up. Paul had to work so off he went. I was off all week till the 10th.
Logan and I hung out all week. I got all of my Christmas cards ready to go and then the post office said they would cost me $2 each because they were too thick. I had to open them all and undo all of my origami to make it slim enough to go on one stamp. I had around 100 cards so I couldn't afford $2 each. Got them all fixed by Wednesay night. Then I stayed up till 0400 Thursday morning doing Mom & Dad H's, my parents, Grandma Richard, Nana & Papa, and Grandpa Hacker's gifts. I finished them all and slept till 0630 and then ahd to get up to go to MIR. They didn't have any DEU's left for me at stores so I have a chit to wear civies for the rest of the pregnancy which is awesome!!! I also have a referral to Dr Marnie Grant for some chiro. I am hoping she can help our my poor pelvis. I have only gained 10 lbs so far this pregnancy so I am super happy about that. Things seem to be going well with my diabetes and I am eating way healthier than before so that is all good.
Wednesday night Paul had hockey and then we set up the Christmas tree. Logan loves it. He loves using the Christmas music juke box that Marjorie and Jerry gave us last year. I think it is an antique. He dances around to the music. He also loves playing with this teddy bear attached to a snow globe. When you press his paw the snowglobe snow gets blown around and it sings a song. He slept with it the first night! Thursday morning he got up and told me the power was off on the santa tree. He thought the power wasn't working and I explained that we unplug it at night!!! Was so cute.
I worked yesterday and then I am on again today then sunday night and monday night then I am off for 8 days before my next shift!!! Paul went out to his sqn Christmas party last night and I think he is going to UFC at the mess tonight. Tomorrow I will spend with Logan while Paul patrols at the mountain. Thursday Logan will go to daycare since I have a meeting at work and then it is sticky floor (drink fest) and I have a pre-natal Dr.'s appointment. Paul is off for the holiday from the 18th-2nd of Jan. He is patrolling the night of the 19th and the day of the 20th and probably the 28th.
I work days on the 22nd and 23rd and then Christmas eve night and Christmas night.
Then my last work shift before I go on leave before the baby is the 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th of Jan. I am in the home stretch and this pregnancy seems to have went by super fast.
Pics to be posted when I get a chance.
Love Rae-Lynn, Paul, Logan and baby #2.