Home sweet home.
So great to be home after being on the road.
We had a great time in Ontario. We had the meet and greet the night of the 5th and then we started playing on the 6th. I won all of my games on the 6th against Prairie region and atlantic region.
Then on the 7th I played Ontario and Quebec and lost all of my games. Quebec ended up winning the team event with Ontario second. Then we had a bye on on the 8th so I did some shopping. I picked up 2 veggie tales movies for $4.99 each from Value Village, 2 maternity tops, and a brand new stampin up stamp set for $4.99. I also went for a massage since I was very sore.
On the 9th we started the individual eliminations. I won my first game and choked in my second game against Manon. She is a legend and I was so nervous I kept hitting them all out. I ended up 5 out of 10 in singles, 3 out of 5 in ladies doubles and not sure where we were in mixed. Then the 10th was the finals. It was a long day sitting on the bleachers but some really good badminton. Then we had the closing banquet the night of the 10th. It was very sad since Debbie and Manon won't be playing at nationals anymore. It finished at 2100 and I drove home to Sutton.
I have been having horrible sleep. My stomach always seems nauseaus and "off". I toss and turn forever and then finally fall asleep only to wake up early at 0500 to go to the washroom and then at 0700. I was so excited to see Logan as well. The morning of the 11th he came to my room and we played for a bit. Mom headed down home to see Papa on the 11th and Logan, myself and Dad hung out. I took a few naps since I was so tired. Dad took Logan to the park and they had a blast. Logan didn't take a nap that day so he was pretty cranky at the end of the day. They all went out to the fire pit and hung out with the neighbours but I felt crappy so I went to bed. Another crappy sleep. Then we got up on the 12th and headed to the airport at 1130.
The flight was really long since we had a middle and an aisle from Toronto to Calgary so Logan couldn't really lean on anything. I went to the washroom and he got up and was trying to get in to the washroom but I didn't know it was him. When I came out he was running up and down the aisles!
We went right from the plane in Calgary to the next one. Was so great to get home. Felt crappy all night and couldn't eat supper. I had some of my chicken sandwich at 2200 before bed and then Paul finished it. Tikka was soooooooooooo happy to see me and Logan and so was Bear.
Was up again at 0700 this morning so I am pretty tired but I made breakfast for Paul and Logan and shortly we are headed to church.
So good to be home!!! We had the best time with Nana and Grandpa but it is nice to be home again.
Love Rae-Lynn, Paul & Logan