Been feeling very nauseaus and horrible lately. Hopefully it will be over in the 2nd trimester. I am 9 weeks now. I am thinking that it is a girl or twins!!! LOL. I have aversions to most foods which is horrible. I am always hungry and trying to be able to eat something.
Logan is doing well. He started getting sick last wednesday I think. Then he was at daycare on friday and then we had him all weekend. He was alright for daycare today but still isn't 100%. No more fevers though. He is a wonderful little boy. I took him to Toy Story 3 at the movie theater and he loved it. He was glued to the screen and kept his glasses on the whole movie. It was 3D. He gets in free until he is 4!!!
I went to Lilith in Vancouver on Canada day with my friend Camille. It was awesome. We missed the 1240 ferry due to piss poor planning. We were walking on but didn't leave enough time to drive to the ferry terminal. We had to take the 1500 ferry which ended up being fine. We then grabbed a bus from the ferry right to Ambleside park and went in to the concert. We got there at around 1730 so we missed most of Colbie Caillat who I don't know, then we saw Erykah Badu, Sheryl Crowe, then Sugarland and then Sarah Maclachlan. Sugarland and Sarah were amazing. We had great seats and it was a wonderful night. Then we had to wait for almost an hour for a bus to take us to the Hyatt where we were staying with our friend Elizabeth. Was so nice to get there and lay down. My feet were killing me. Then Elizabeth and Camille left the next day (friday) for their road trip east, and I bussed back to the ferry and walked on, and then drove back home to Courtenay. I was exhausted when I got home. Didn't get enough sleep but it was great.
We didn't do much on the weekend since Logan was sick and I was feeling awful too.
Paul took Logan to some Canada Day events in town here and then went to Parksville for the fireworks with Marjorie and Jerry!!!
This friday the 9th will be our 5th Anniversary. We are going to camp for 2 nights at Air Force Beach. Should be alot of fun. I know Logan will love it.
Sunday morning after church we went to Air Force Beach so Tikka could swim and we flew our Toy Story kite. Was fun!
Paul passed his biology course. He got a C+ 66% which is really good considering he was working during it and ski patrol etc!!! Way to go baby!
Love Rae-Lynn, Paul & Logan