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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

deals and update

Took Logan to the dentist today and the dentist said everything is great!!! Both boys are doing well.

Tomorrow is Logan's 4th birthday. Unfortunately they will be at daycare since I have a medical at 0730 tomorrow. Logan has school as well. Oh well, we will celebrate tomorrow night. He can't wait. I have a bunch of running around to do for his birthday anyway and some more cleaning.

Safeway has speedstick on for $2.49. If you use the coupon that came out in redplum or smart source a couple of weeks ago then it is $1.49. If you buy 3 you earn 25 airmiles. Today is also customer appreciation day so double the airmiles or 10% off I believe!!! Also if you spend $75 you get a $10 giftcard.

That's all for now.

Love Rae-Lynn, Paul, Logan and Finn

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