Logan & I left Comox on the 29th of May. Paul was able to drop us off at the airport with all of our bags. Was nice to travel with Jen and Nate. Logan traveled really well to Calgary. Then we had an hour wait for the next flight. The four of us scored some super comfy leather chairs to wait in. We had a bite to eat and then did our pre-board. Jen and I were supposed to sit across the aisle from us but they screwed up and booked in 2 sisters and a child besides Jen. You can only have one hand held infant per 3 seats together so Jen was moved to the seat behind me. That worked out alright since when I lifted Logan up she tickled him and kept him happy. Logan did fairly well on this flight. He fell asleep near the beginning and slept for almost 2 hours. Then he woke up and it was a bit of a challenge. We saw a row of 3 seats with only one person in them so we moved there. As soon as we got there Logan was hungry so I had to go back to my seat. I had to hold him and manage to use one hand to pull everything out. I grabbed his turkey stew and he managed to get some on my shirt. Then he was tired of the turkey stew and I had to make him a bottle. I layed him on the floor in the aisle so I could put away the turkey stew and make a formula. Then the flight attendant came and told me he wasn’t allowed on the floor. I am pretty sure that it was obvious that it was only for a minute so I could do that but oh well. I left him there until I was ready and then picked him up and fed him. He got fidgety for the rest of the flight. Then we landed and Jen and I waited till everyone left before we headed off the plane. We stopped and changed the babies and then went to get our bags. They wouldn’t let Mom and Dad H in to help me with Logan and the bags so I wheeled Logan over to the door and pushed him out to them with my carry on bags. Then I went in and grabbed my bags. I had my bags while Jen was waiting for hers so I went over to oversized baggage and grabbed both of our car seats. Then we headed out to Mom and Dad. Logan didn’t cry with them and soon recognized Mom’s voice. We loaded up the escape and headed home. Jen was waiting for her Dad when we left but we ran into them again in the parking garage. Once we got to Mom & Dad’s, I bathed Logan and put him to bed. Friday morning we got up and then in the afternoon Mom went for a pedicure and I watched Logan and then she sent me for a manicure and pedicure and she watched Logan. It was awesome!!
Friday night Vicki came over to meet Logan and we had a nice visit. Saturday morning, Mom, Logan and I got up and hit the road by 0800 to head down home to see the great grandparents. Dad left at 0400 Friday morning for a fly in fishing trip in Northern Ontario. We stopped in Tweed to see Aunt Leen and Uncle Terry. Had a nice little visit and then headed to Madoc to see Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hacker. They had never met Logan so were very excited. Uncle Bernie, Josee, Laurel and Sidney popped out to meet Logan as well. We had a nice visit there and then went to Great Nana and Great Papa’s place. We had supper there and Aunt Maryann, Uncle Dwight and Michael came to see Logan. We left to go back to Sutton at around 1800 or just after and were home by around 2130. It was a super long day. Logan fell asleep with Nana Karen while I was calling Paul. Then I picked him up and brought him to my bed since Nana was scared of rolling over on to him in the night.
Sunday we relaxed around the house. Monday we hung around the house, then Trina popped over for a visit and then we went to Newmarket. Mom picked up a few more things for Logan. I forgot a bottle when we left the house so I had to buy another one since Logan was hungry. I also bought walking wings so it will be easier on my back while Logan walks. Mom had a huge bag of baby gap clothes for Logan when I arrived. They are all so very very nice. Some won’t fit for a year probably but others fit him now. Logan wears 24 months in one full outfit. In separates he can wear 12 months and some 9 months. Nana bought Logan a pair of Robeez sandles which are very very cute. Logan also ended up with another 5 or so sleepers from Costco (only $7.49 each) and 3 rompers (only $4.49 each). Awesome prices at Costco. They are a really good quality as well. Tuesday Mom worked the morning. Wednesday night at 2145 Dad was back from his fishing trip. Logan stayed up to wait for Grandpa. Then Thursday morning, Dad, Logan and I headed back down the 3.5 hour trip to see the great grandparents one more time. It was another long day but nice to see them again. Thursday was also Logan’s 8 month day. We had a lovely visit. We made it home by 2130 and I was super tired. Friday Dad worked from home. The 3 of us headed to Newmarket and went to Costco. They bought Logan a Lightning McQueen swimming outfit that has floaters in it. It is really cool.
Friday night Auntie Amy came up for a visit and we ate the 4 pickerell that Grandpa Allan brought back from his trip. They were delicious. Then we were up late on the deck with the neighbours and Logan. Finally at around 2200 they let me put Logan to bed. Saturday Amy and I went to liquidation world. I bought a carrier for logan specifically designed for swimming since he is so heavy. It was only $12. Then Stephanie (my best friend since grade 7 who I knew since grade 5) and her fiancĂ©e Carlos came up for a visit. We were drinking on the deck since 1300 in the afternoon. I also went for a swim in Lake Simcoe (across the road). Water was a little chilly and then very warm. It was in the 30’s temperature wise so I was very very hot. Then we had another awesome supper. After Logan’s bath, the 3 of us headed down to the Burn’s for a campfire while Mom & Dad watched Logan. We were home at 2330 and I plucked Logan out of their bed and took him to mine. Dad was facing Logan and holding his hand and was sound asleep. Sunday was another scorcher with a heat warning for Toronto.
We had a wonderful time in Ontario with Nana and Grandpa and them spoiling Logan. The Burns lent us a stroller, an exersaucer exactly like Logan’s at home without the toys, and tons of other toys. It was very very nice of them. Mom threw away my filter for my pump by accident as well and Trina Burns had a couple of filters still sealed and saved me.
Logan and I flew out at 1615. I have to admit this was Logan’s worst flight so far. He wasn’t super bad but worse than normal. He was fussy and wanted to grab everything. He only slept for around 30 minutes out of the 2.5 hour flight. The guy beside me on the flight was from Altona and knew Laurel’s Husband Brian. She found out about that before I was even able to tell her. Grandpa (my Dad) picked us up at the airport and we popped by my Grandma’s nursing home so she could see Logan. She couldn’t believe how big he is now. Then we headed out to Uncle Bruno and Auntie Olivine’s place. Logan was bathed and went to sleep. Monday morning we stopped by Auntie Evelyn & Uncle Dennis’s for a visit, then Auntie Elsie’s, and then Grandma’s again. We stopped in Brandon and took supper over to Uncle Rick’s place ( my brother) for a visit with Candice and Rayna. We only made it to Deloraine just before 2100. Uncle Rolly (my brother) popped over last night as well. Then today we hung around home and Dad took Logan to the school to visit Grandma Lynn but she wasn’t there so they came home. Tonight Uncle Rolly and Auntie Robyn came over for supper. Rolly is gone until Thursday so we had a little visit.
Logan is now 8 months old. He isn’t crawling yet. He rolls everywhere and is able to change directions and swivel around. He is still standing all the time whenever he is picked up and loves to dance. He is a very very happy baby and travels really well. Grandpa is loving having him home!!! I think he likes seeing me too. He has one tooth now. I finally felt it on Sunday. It finally popped out of his gums. It is in the middle at the front. I am not sure when we are heading back to Winnipeg. We fly out at 0900 on Monday the 16th of June. Paul is really missing us. He is getting tons of stuff done around the house though. It really sucked not having internet access in Ontario. So nice to be back online again. I thought I was going to go crazy. Not sure what the 2 weeks this summer back in Ontario will be like!
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