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Friday, September 26, 2008

To Ontario and back again.

P and L made it to Ontario safe and sound. I wasn't sure that he would make it in time since the night he left I received calls from Ontario that Grandma probably wouldn't make it through the night. They got there in the morning and Mom picked them up. They also got a call during their drive from Toronto that it didn't look good. Dad had headed out to belleville at midnight the night Paul flew out. P made it in time and Grandma was very happy to see them both as was Grandpa and everyone else.

Thursday I cleaned the house and took Tikka for a run and then went for a 1 km swim. Then Thursday night Gill and I had a swim at Barb's and then helped her with her swaps. I was there until 0100 helping her. Friday afternoon Tikka and I, Gillian and Jack did the Terry Fox run as a walk. It was 5 km. Then I went to the Support Our Troops march at 5:00 PM. I was still at the march when Mom H called me and said that I should come home and that she would pay for the ticket. I went home and was on the internet all night finding flights and someone to take Tikka for me. Tim and Shaleena took Tikka and Camille watched the cats. I headed to Parksville at 2230. I slept overnight at Marjorie and Jerry's and then Jerry took me to Nanaimio airport at 0600 to catch my flight. It was pretty go go go. Nancy picked me up in Kingston and drove me to belleville hospital. Grandma recognized me which was nice and then P and I headed back to Grandpas house. We were staying there with Mom and the baby. Grandpa, Dad, Amy and Steve had been staying at the hospital around the clock. Palliative care was really good to us and let us stay with her. I visited again on Sunday. Sunday night, P and Grandpa were home for an hour when they got the call to come back. Grandma had slipped into a coma. She passed away Tuesday morning at 0700. It was very very sad but she was in so much pain that we were relieved for her. We had 2 wakes on Friday and then the funeral on Saturday morning. We flew back to Comox on Tuesday. It was a very very sad time.

I have a pinched nerve in my back from sleeping on one of Grandpas 40 year old single beds. I am hoping it goes away soon because it is very painful. My arm is very very sore as well and my hand feels numb at times. I have physio now but I want it to be fixed ASAP since I go back to work in a week and a half.

L is doing well. His fat lip was gone by the time I got to Ontario. P dressed him up in his Lederhosen for Grandma one day and she enjoyed it. When he took L in the room Grandma brightened right up and said his name. Was really nice to see. L was amazing to have around for comic relief at such a sad time. I am getting him to stand for longer and longer amounts now. He is resistent and will often go limp. It is very exciting.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so so sorry for your loss. Wish I could be there to give you a hug in person. It's really great though that Grandma got to at least see everyone before she passed.