After the training in Edmonton, I came back and had a couple of days off, then one day at work followed by badminton regionals for 2 days. I won first place for the ladies for the Pacific Region. It was alot of fun. I can't go to nationals though because they are after I go away. I won a golf shirt which I gave to my Dad since he loves them!!!
Then I started my leave. I have Logan with me for the next 2 weeks. His daycare is closed for 2 weeks so I saved my leave to be able to watch him. On the night of the 14th he woke up screaming with a fever. Paul got up to take care of him. He started his cold. He has a horrible cough. I took him to the dr. on tuesday and she said his ears are clear and just a cold but may stick around for 10 days. He was super cuddly all week because he was under the weather. On wednesday my Dad flew in which was awesome. We picked him up at the airport and Logan knew him right away. It was nice for Dad that Logan was so cuddly because he normally is so busy you don't get to just hold him and love him up!!! Then on Thursday night and all day friday he was pretty active again, as well as today. He is still coughing every now and again but he is on the upswing. I, however, have been feeling crappy since thursday.
It probably didn't help that I went for a 13 km march to train for my Battle Fitness Test which I have on the 27th. I have to carry 55lbs of kit and walk 13 km in under 2 hours and 26 minutes. I did the full march carry 45 lbs in 2 hr 26. I did have the dog though and had to stop at lights, and there was alot of hills. I could hardly walk when I finished. I have a whole bunch of new blisters. One on the top of each baby toe, but nothing to crazy. I could hardly walk that night, and the next day. Today is saturday and I can finally walk okay without alot of pain.
Yesterday, we headed up to Campbell River so I could check out their scrapbook stores as well as take Logan to Let Em Loose to see if he would enjoy it. It was pouring rain all day. Logan seemed to have fun at Let Em Loose. There wasn't a ton of stuff for him to do there but he was fairly busy with it. He kept grabbing the plastic balls and throwing them over the fence. I walked over to the Scrapbook Room for a little look while he was playing and Dad watched him. Then I came back and was visiting with Astles. I sailed with him in 2001 for Op Apollo. He was there with his 8 year old Logan is very cautious, almost to the point of overly cautious. He doesn't have the reckless abandon and free spirit of his friends, especially Nate. That is a compliment to Nate, not something negative. So he is walking around on this play structure. As I am watching, he is standing at the end and there was a girl behind him. She was older, at least 3 or 4 so she shouldn't have even been there. All of a sudden, she puts her hands up and pushes Logan super hard off the edge of the play structure. He goes flying and is lying on the ground crying. I couldn't believe it. Dad was confused and didn't see it. He thought it was weird that Logan would fall off since he is so cautious. I ran over there, and I was super pissed. I said in a raised voice, not yelling to the girl "Why did you do that?" Why did you push him". I was very distraught. I picked up my little Logan Bear and was holding him as he cried, as I scanned the area for who owned the "demon" that pushed Logan for no reason. Her Mom came over, and asked what happened and I told her. She grabbed her daughter by the arm and asked her why she did it. Logan and I walked by and went to sit down by Dad since he was screaming. It is around a 2.5 foot drop I would guess. The mother brought the girl over who was crying hysterically with snot all over her face and was trying to get her to appologize but she was crying so hard she was inaudible. Then Logan stopped crying and I took him away to play. We climbed up the big structure but I couldn't fit through one of the openings so I had to take him out of there. We slid down the slide together. Then we played on the toddler one a bit. He went down the slide all by himself. It was fun!!! When we went back over to Dad, the other lady was leaving and she told her kid to "say sorry to the little boy", and she goes "Sorry Little boy". I felt sorry for the mother although her excuse was "She's isn't normally like that, she's really tired". I was pretty shocked to see it unprovoked, to a child that is clearly way younger and smaller. After the lady left, another lady that was sitting there said that that girl does it all the time, so not really sure what to think about that. The crazy thing was that the mother has a little boy of her own that is probably around 9 months old. I wonder what she does to him at home. I was so worried because of Natasha Richardson and everything in the news. But he was alright.
After we got home, last night, Logan ran away from me on the couch and before I could grab him, he launched himself over the top onto the floor again. I couldn't believe it. I think his new call sign will be "crash" or "helmet". I am considering making him wear his bike helmet 24/7 now!!!
Paul was patrolling last night and all day today at the mountain. Logan is down for his nap right now and I am gonna go and grab my shower. I had a good night sleep back in my own bed finally. I have had to sleep with Logan in the queen bed in his room monday-thursday night. He even let me sleep in until 0745 this morning which was a nice treat, since I am sick and recovering from my March.
I have to work this Tuesday doing my 9mm training and then I have my march on the 27th. I go back to work on the 1st of April. I should only have 6 more working days till I leave though so that should be nice.
I am enjoying having Dad here and so is Logan. We are looking forward to hosting Nana Karen for Easter. She has said that she may come out which would be awesome.
I have to be in Quebec on the 23rd of April so I am running out of time here.
Nana Karen sent out a package of goodies for Logan. She got him this pony thing that connects to the TV for Christmas, so that came, as well as his own camping chair and tons of clothes. Logan has more hoodies than anyone I know!!!
Paul is on leave until the 1st of April as well so it will be nice to have some family time.
That's all for now!
For the pictures, when you see the blue slanted piece, he was pushed from on top of that.
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