We had a wonderful Easter weekend. Thursday night we went to the Air Force Beach Campground and set up the trailer. Unfortunately there was a huge monsoon like storm. Paul made a fire in the rain for him and Tikka but Logan and I stayed warm inside the trailer. We were supposed to stay 2 nights but given the weather we decided to go home and he let us cancel our reservation. Lots of people were without power. We only lost power for 30 minutes or so on Friday afternoon. Michael came up Friday night so that was great. Been a year and a half since I saw him and he hadn't met Logan. Saturday Paul and Michael headed up to the mountain for some skiing which was apparently some of the best skiing of the year. I was happy they had fun. Then we went to mass that night. One of the Church Ladies gave Logan an Easter book so that was really nice. He is a superstar at mass. They all love his antics. Mass was at 2000 so we didn't get home till 2145 or so. Then on Sunday we had an Easter Egg hunt in the house for Logan and then went down to "Easter at the barn". Logan got to ride his first horse and had a blast. He loved it and wanted to go twice but there was a huge line so we said no. There was also a petting zoo and another egg hunt. Logan wasn't too interested in the egg hunt because it was in the hay and he thought that was dirty!! Then we came home and Paul cooked up a wonderful turkey dinner. We did it in the deep fryer and Uncle Jerry came up from Parksville. We topped off the evening with a game of 20000 pyramid. Michael and I won!!!! Buddy also came up from Parksville. Then on Monday I went and played badminton with Leah. Was good. Unfortunately she can't go to regionals because we would be a really strong team together. Then I came home and spent the rest of the day with Paul and Logan. Paul worked on some biology as well.
Tuesday I worked a 12 hour dayshift. I was able to go to my volleyball practice from 1600-1700 so that was good. Then on Wednesday I had another 12 hour shift. I went in for 0600 since he was going to come in that night at 1800 so I could go to my volleyball game. The game was awesome. We won 3 sets in a row. We played the under 18 team that we played a week and a half ago. We only missed 3 serves total in the whole competition. I was a hitting machine. My serves were pretty great too. We played really well.
Tonight I have my volleyball meet & greet supper with the team from victoria. We are having steak and chicken which will be awesome. Then I play tomorrow at 1400. My Dad flies in at 1846 tomorrow night so we are super excited about that as well. Then we play Sunday morning at 0800. If we win those first 2 matches then we are done. If we have to play a third it will be at 1300 or so Sunday afternoon.
I had a wonderful 16 days off with Logan. He is talking up a storm now. He doesn't talk much at daycare because the other little girls do all the talking. Potty training didn't go too well. I think it is stressing him out so I am backing off a bit. Soon though he will be ready.
Other than that, I am off till the night shift on the 18th and 19th now. I just did a nightshift last night. My first solo overnight. I am off from tonight's shift because of volleyball regionals. Then next wed, 14-17 April I am in Esquimalt for badminton regionals.
That's all for now.
Love Rae-Lynn, Paul & Logan
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