Had a great Father`s Day! I was up with Logan and Finn at around 0600 or so and left the bedroom so Paul could sleep. Not sure what time Logan crawled in with us but Paul didn`t have very much room in the bed!!! I made Paul an omelette for the first time ever! It had cut up pork loin from leftovers, mushrooms, cheese, and diced herb tomatoes, and 4 eggs. And then I put some pineapple on the plate to make it look prettier. I got him out of bed at 0830 to come and eat it. He said he loved it. The card is one that I made at the Stampin Up party I hosted done by my good friend Barb Tripps. I love that card so much!
Then we went to church. Finn had on his `Daddy`s #1 Fan" shirt that I bought him from Old Navy. Looked so cute. After church we came home and I crashed with Finn for a nap since we were so tired. Paul got ready and headed up to Mt. Washington for some skiing. The mountain opened up this weekend for skiing and Paul had a blast. At 1400 Logan and Finn & I headed to Alex and Steph's for Dan & Lisa's baby shower. It was sooooo much fun. There was 3 games. One was to guess how many clothes pins in the jar and then how many gummi bears. Leah guessed right on the number of gummi bears. She is amazing. I tied in the guessing game of who was in the 6 baby pictures. We each brought a pic of us as babies (6 of us did) and Megan and myself tied. I also won the quiz game. So I let Megan have the prize for our tie. I won a set of dryer balls, Megan got a $10 gift card for hot chocolate and Leah won some granola. Then Steph gave me the clothespins and the gummi bears at the end. The clothespins will be good for my new umbrella clothesline. I am hoping that Paul installs it soon!!! Will save sooo much not running the dryer.
We were there till after 1800. Logan was pretty busy which was annoying. I took tonnes of toys for him but he was still in to everything making messes. Elleenya is soooo beautiful. Such a little sweetheart.
Then I came home and Paul helped me pick up the desk I bought from the neighbours across the road for $40. Came with a roller chair. Will be great in my scrapbook room. I totally need to re-organize that so I can use my stuff again.
Today I got a sweet deal at zellers. I was there to get cheese whiz which was on sale for the 500 g size for $3.49. I also had a $1.00 off coupon so that was great. Then I remembered that a friend wanted to buy Finn a gift and told me to pick up something for $100-$150. I decided to get a wagon. I saw a sign saying they were 25% off. Turns out the sale ended yesterday but they still honored the sale. I got the wagon which was $129.97 for 25% off which was $32.50 off and then I signed up for the zellers credit card which now gives you an additional 20% off for the whole day that you sign up. Worked out to a sweet deal. Also grabbed a teether set and a rattle for the gift. Then I was able to use my 20% off and get some more plastic dishes for the camper and some frosty mugs to freeze, some more clothespins, and a few other things on sale. I bought some Finish dish soap that I had a coupon for as well, and some ziploc that I had a buy 2 get 2 free, and $5.00 off the Lysol hands free soap system which is on for $9.99 at zellers. There is also a MIR for it that came in the last set of smart source inserts!! Great deal. Was hard shopping with both boys. I took Logan to his pre-school but now they don't do mondays. Rushed there for nothing. Wednesday is his last day till the fall. Tomorrow it is cancelled because of National Aboriginal Day. We will be heading down there for the celebrations from 1430-2000 but maybe won't stay the full time. We'll see how it goes. Meeting up with Lisa and Elleenya.
Went to the park for a bit with the boys today and met up with Nathalie and her 3. Logan was hanging from the monkey bars and I just got there in time to catch him when he fell. He had another accident on something else and banged his leg but walked it off after a few tears.
Finn is doing wonderful and is a very very happy and content baby. So big though. Was 20.5 lbs on Sunday. Getting too heavy for Mommy.
Love Rae-Lynn