Had an epic shopping trip at walmart today.
5 sweaters $5 each = $25, regular price $15 each savings of $50.
French's mustard $1 - $.75 coupon = 25 cents
Multi grain cheerios $3.97 - $1 coupon = $2.97 plus there is a code for a free movie pass.
Aveeno daily moisturizer walmart price $7.47 or so, price match it to shoppers for $5.99 minus my $2 coupon = $3.99 savings of: $3.48
Cold Fx walmart price $23.00 price match to superstore for $16.77 - $4 printable = savings of $10.23 per bottle. Bought 3 bottles savings of $30.69
PGX walmart had the lowest price of $19.96 this week - $10 printable = $9.96 and I bought 3 so total savings of $30
Gaylea butter not sure what it was at walmart $3.33 maybe or more but pricematched it to independent for $2.99 and used my $1 off coupon. Bought 2 saved $2 minumum.
Ivory bodywash walmart price was $4.47 but I pricematched it to independent for $2.97 and used $3 off coupon from brandsaver making them free. I actually made 5 cents buying 5. Total savings $22.35 Since you pay tax on the pre-coupon amount each bottle cost me .38 for 701 ml.
Dove conditioner. Was $4.47 or so at walmart and I price matched it to independent for $2.99. no coupon. Savings up at least $1.50
Total retail cost before price matching and coupons was approximately: $242.33 and with taxes would have been: $273.83.
After my pricematching and coupons my total before tax was $107.32 after taxes of $20.69 my total was $128.01.
This would give me a total savings of $145.82 or 53%. Plus the free movie pass from the cheerios. I was very happy with this trip. The sweaters are great. I now have another 3 month supply of cold fx and pgx for the lowest prices that I have ever paid. I love price-matching and couponing.
Based on taxes of $20.69 doing some math they figured my taxes on $159.15 because they don't factor in the prices that they would charge for things without the pricematching. Example the sweaters were $5 but regular $15. I still only had to pay tax on the $5. But the PGX which was $19.96 I paid full taxes on $19.96 and then got my $10 off each bottle.
Total $ value of coupons used was: $62.75
On another note Sobeys has the philadelphia cream cheese dips on sale this week for $1.99. They were out of the dill pickle when I stopped by so they saved me from my myself.
I am excited about the free chocolate bar from Macs next week. http://www.mrsjanuary.com/canada-freebies/free-twix-peanut-butter-from-macs-with-coupon/
Love Rae-Lynn
1 comment:
oh yeah the cold fx and pgx are 1 per customer but I had both of my kids there so we counted as 3 people.
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