Hello again.
I am back in the valley from my awesome road trip. I headed down to Victoria on Friday. I only got out of here at around 11. I made it to Shawnigan Lake in good time. I stopped once to check Logan's diaper for poo but there wasn't any. We got to Leslie & Andrews and had a little visit. Was nice to see them again since the last time I was there Logan was 6 weeks old and Will was only 3 weeks old. Will has been rolling both ways for awhile now and already has 1 tooth. Then we headed to Bona & Norm's for a little visit and to see sweet little Alex. He is one week older than Logan and has been crawling up a storm already. He is a really good eater, and super cute. he kept trying to touch Logan's face and was a little rough so Logan wasn't impressed. Alex loves other kids. We stayed for supper, then we had to run to XS Cargo to try and exchange my LYRA MP3 player which had crapped out but was under warranty. They didn't have anything decent so I have a $90 voucher. I'm gonna see if I can use it online. Then we headed back to Shawnigan lake which is around 45 km from Victoria. We had a good evening and I got Logan down to sleep at around 2030 (8:30 PM). He slept till 0530 and then I was able to get him back down by 0630. Then we got up at 0800. We hung around a bit and he took a big poo and then we headed to Victoria. We were at Michael's when Colleen called me back so we popped over there for a visit. We had an awesome visit and she had some awesome news to tell me. I was ecstatic for them.
Then Logan and I headed over to Alex & Lindsays to meet little Ethan. What a little cutie pie. I visited there and had lunch and then I had a hair appointment at 4PM to get some hilites with Ben and Alex offered to watch Logan for me. It was awesome. I was back there by 5:30 and hung out for a bit and then headed back to Les's. Les and I had a good visit and then I went to bed. Logan woke up at 0130. He had some leakage so I had to change him and then we went back to sleep till 0730. I got up and had breaky and then we headed off just after 0900. We stopped in Nanaimo and spent way too much money at Costco. I bought myself an Ipod nano. I need it to keep me motivated when I am running. I also picked up an infant helmet for Logan so that we can put him in the bike trailer and everything. I bought a new camel back since mine was leaking. Paul spent $36 on a new bladder for his and I got a whole new one for only $19 at Costco.
Then we stopped in Parksville to visit Aunt Marjorie and Uncle Jerry. Logan for the first time in forever, didn't freak out when Auntie held me. He let her feed him and give him snuggles. Then she put him on the carpet on a blanket and he went to town being a rolling machine. Now that he has done it, there is no stopping him. It was so cool to watch him. I would show him something and he would roll over and manoeuvre himself to get it. Bona said that he will probably be crawling in a week now that he has found that out. She had some similar toys that we have and showed me some features that I didn't know they had. Was super cool.
I'm back home and Logan has been in bed for over an hour. The little guy was doing some more rolling here this afternoon and was pretty pooped.
Tuesday I should be scrapping with Gill so that will be nice. Then on Saturday, it is the all day scrap at the MFRC. I can' t wait!
I hope everyone else updates their blogs from the weekend so I have more to read!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Yeah Logan. Way to go Little Man!
Awesome news. Today Logan rolled over from his back to his stomach for the first time. He has been going the other way since 4 months but this was a first and Mommy was so happy and proud. He did it 3 times. Was so cool to see!!!
Had my card making class at Barb's last night. It was so awesome. Too bad Gill had to leave early because she was sick but the project and cards were awesome. It was a really good turnout and a good party for me to host. I ended up with $95 in free stuff and a free hostess gift. I ended up only getting to bed at 1230 thought but it was worth it.
I took Logan and Tikka for a 20 minute run today. It went well.
I'm heading to Victoria tomorrow for the weekend with Logan. Should be fun. We are staying with Leslie, Andrew and Little Will.
I'm not going to scrapping tonight at the MFRC since I have been out already 2 times this week but might get a chance to do some scrapping at home.
Had my card making class at Barb's last night. It was so awesome. Too bad Gill had to leave early because she was sick but the project and cards were awesome. It was a really good turnout and a good party for me to host. I ended up with $95 in free stuff and a free hostess gift. I ended up only getting to bed at 1230 thought but it was worth it.
I took Logan and Tikka for a 20 minute run today. It went well.
I'm heading to Victoria tomorrow for the weekend with Logan. Should be fun. We are staying with Leslie, Andrew and Little Will.
I'm not going to scrapping tonight at the MFRC since I have been out already 2 times this week but might get a chance to do some scrapping at home.
Monday, April 21, 2008
great day
I had a really good day today, aside from the fact that Laurel hadn't updated her blog when I checked but she did later so it made up for it.
I got up and went for a 30 minute run with Tikka and Logan and then a 10 minute walk. Was a good workout. After that came home and hung out with Logan. Gill popped over just before noon. I guess I must have been distracted because I screwed up cooking kraft dinner. I had to throw the first batch away. I put the noodles in when the water boiled and then added my cheese and margarine. The second batch went way better. The first batch boiled over and it looked like there was going to be a huge fire. I put in some dry ribs and forgot about them. They started burning but there was no smoke. All I noticed was that something smelled like it was burning and my eyes were really really sore. 2 hours later I realized it was the ribs. Crappy. The smell is finally gone from my house at 2200. Gill did some scrapbooking and I played around with the cricut expression while Logan was napping. It was super cool. I used the pen to write on to my actual patterned paper. I will be playing around with that alot. Gill did 2 layouts I think. Maybe only one. Then Jen popped over to drop Nate off so she could go get groceries. I had Tikka, Jack and Turner (all dogs) and the 2 babies. Was a nice little visit. Pics are up on facebook. Then I fell asleep before 2000 in bed with Logan. I got up just after 2100. I must have been really tired or worn out from the noxious fumes. Paul had beef stew for supper but I am avoiding it. I feel better today but there is still some abdominal pain. I think I'll be alright though. Paul and I put in applications to be volunteers at Merritt Mountain Musicfest. We are waiting for Gill to get hers in.
That is all. I am off to bed!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I am le sick...
Saturday was our all day scrap at Glacier Greens. It was alot of fun. I didn't find I had enough workspace though. Was a decent amount of my scrappin buddies: Gillian, Jen, Laurel, Shannon, Jodi, Bea, Kristin, & Jen. Barb was there but she had put it on so she wasn't really able to do any of her own work. I was only able to finish 3 layouts. At lunchtime, Laurel and I went over to the Support our Troops BBQ to join our husbands and kids. I was home at around 1700 and unfortunately I didn't win any prizes. Gill & Laurel did though. When I got home I was super tired but I hung out with Logan. Paul had made some beef stew for supper so I had some of that. Then we headed to the arena for the Support Our Troops Dance and John Landry Concert. We got there at around 2000 and Jaime babysat Logan for us. We joined Bea & Steve, Kristin, Laurel & Brian, And Gillian & Brandon. Jen & Dale showed up a little later. It was freezing cold in the arena. We stayed till 2230. It was really annoying because everyone was standing at the edge of the dancefloor obstructing our whole view of the dance floor. This morning I woke up and wasn't feeling good at all. I think Paul's stew made me sick. I have felt crappy all day. Logan and I met up with Gill, Brandon, Jen & Nate for brunch but I wasn't able to eat mine. I brought it home for Tikka but Paul ate it. I was surprised but oh well. It didn't go to waste. Logan and I took a monster nap this afternoon. It was so sweet of him to let me rest. I am starting to feel a little better and was able to eat some supper. I cleaned the kitchen and I still need to vacuum before I go to bed. I am looking forward to my cardmaking workshop at Barb's on wednesday!
I still feel crappy. I just finished all my cleaning. Logan stayed up later than normal. Probably cause we had such a monster nap. Enjoy a couple of pics. More on facebook.
Also, I entered the 41 weeks layout into a contest on 52 weeks. We'll see how I do. I think the winner is randomly chosen though. http://juliebonner.typepad.com/52_sketches_52_weeks/page/2/

Friday, April 18, 2008
I definitely don't want 4 kids anymore!!!!
Wowie Wowie, is all I can say. It was a super long day. Logan and I ended up taking Tikka for a walk. Finally my BFF popped over at around 1330. Was supposed to be around 1100 but c'est la vie. We had a little visit. I worked on version 3.0 of my ribbon bag. It is now finished. I am not gonna post a pic till after tomorrow. I don't want to ruin the surprise. Most people will see it tomorrow at the all day scrap event. Version 2.0, the zipper broke and version 1.0 didn't have a lid. Version 3.0 is awesome!!!
After Gillian left I managed to get my fussy monkey and myself a little nap from around 1430ish. Bea and the 2 little ones and the 8 year old Jordan arrived at 1510 and woke me from my slumber. Gabe (3 years old) started crying when Mommy left. This made Logan start crying. Then I went and changed Logan on his mat on the kitchen table. I was worried that he was going to start to pea because he was pitching a tent and just as I was about to get the diaper on he took a huge after nap pea. The kids started laughing. New outfit for Logan, and some food. Then the kids were bored so we went to the park. It was sunny but windy and cold. Logan wasn't having a good time. We were at the park for 5 seconds when Gabe whipped his pants down and started peeing on the gravel. Then Jordan (8) who had taken a pee before we left the house told me he had to pee. So he went and took a pee behind a tree (at least twice that I saw). Ryan and Sam (both 10) were helping me with kids and did a really good job. Finally Paul showed up and took Logan home. We hung out for awhile and then when we were leaving Jordan told me that Gabe had taken a pee in his pants. He was all wet. He also fell down on the way home and was upset about that. Finally we made it home and changed Gabe and gave him a bandaid when we noticed that Dom (18 months) smelled so bad that he had to have taken a poo. I'm not gonna lie, it was really really really gross. I was gagging. I guess it is different when it is your kid, boy do I have alot to look forward to with Logan. I got him changed. Paul had Logan upstairs and I was hanging out with the boys in the basement. They were eating their snacks and playing guitar heros. Then the heavens opened up at around 1730 and the angels sang as Steve (Daddy) came to pick them up. I have nothing but respect for the patience that Steve and Bea must have for having 4 kids. I have no idea how my parents had 5, (the last 4 of us were in 5 years) Sooooo crazy. I guess I'll settle for 2.
After that, things calmed down and I got Logan bathed and ready for bed. Paul fed him some butternut squash and then some peaches. I think he is getting sick. He seems a little stuffed up.
Looking forward to tomorrow. I am off to pop over to Angela's to borrow some cartridges!!!
See you in the AM.
After Gillian left I managed to get my fussy monkey and myself a little nap from around 1430ish. Bea and the 2 little ones and the 8 year old Jordan arrived at 1510 and woke me from my slumber. Gabe (3 years old) started crying when Mommy left. This made Logan start crying. Then I went and changed Logan on his mat on the kitchen table. I was worried that he was going to start to pea because he was pitching a tent and just as I was about to get the diaper on he took a huge after nap pea. The kids started laughing. New outfit for Logan, and some food. Then the kids were bored so we went to the park. It was sunny but windy and cold. Logan wasn't having a good time. We were at the park for 5 seconds when Gabe whipped his pants down and started peeing on the gravel. Then Jordan (8) who had taken a pee before we left the house told me he had to pee. So he went and took a pee behind a tree (at least twice that I saw). Ryan and Sam (both 10) were helping me with kids and did a really good job. Finally Paul showed up and took Logan home. We hung out for awhile and then when we were leaving Jordan told me that Gabe had taken a pee in his pants. He was all wet. He also fell down on the way home and was upset about that. Finally we made it home and changed Gabe and gave him a bandaid when we noticed that Dom (18 months) smelled so bad that he had to have taken a poo. I'm not gonna lie, it was really really really gross. I was gagging. I guess it is different when it is your kid, boy do I have alot to look forward to with Logan. I got him changed. Paul had Logan upstairs and I was hanging out with the boys in the basement. They were eating their snacks and playing guitar heros. Then the heavens opened up at around 1730 and the angels sang as Steve (Daddy) came to pick them up. I have nothing but respect for the patience that Steve and Bea must have for having 4 kids. I have no idea how my parents had 5, (the last 4 of us were in 5 years) Sooooo crazy. I guess I'll settle for 2.
After that, things calmed down and I got Logan bathed and ready for bed. Paul fed him some butternut squash and then some peaches. I think he is getting sick. He seems a little stuffed up.
Looking forward to tomorrow. I am off to pop over to Angela's to borrow some cartridges!!!
See you in the AM.
0245 Screaming Banshee
I am a way tired this morning due to my 0245 morning wake up call from my darling son. I have no idea what was wrong with him. Not sure if it was random teething pain or what, but he was going to town. I went up there and he was calm after I picked him up. Then we slept in the queen bed in his room and he finally went to sleep way later.... it seemed. Then he was up again at 0530 for good. We both got back down for a nap at around 0730 till 0805. Was good while it lasted! We may go swimming this morning. Not sure yet. Depends on if Gillian still wants to go for a walk considering Jodi can't go and Gill hurt her toe.
This evening I am watching 3 of Bea's kids. I can't say that I am not scared. If I didn't have Logan to watch it wouldn't be that bad but I am a little nervous about an 18 month old and a 3 year old, and Logan. Her 8 year old may come to help me and Paul will come right home after work. Is supposed to be only for 2 hours so we will see what happens. I just hope they don't end up stabbing my couches with knives like they did to Bea's couch.
Scrapping at the MFRC last night was superfun. I got one layout done of my BFF and her nephew. I'm not gonna lie, the page turned out pretty good. I will post a pic here and on facebook later. Laurel, Gill, and Bobbi were there and then some new people that I don't know. The screaming baby lady was there but the baby wasn't so it was a cry free zone.
I am really looking forward to the all day scrap tomorrow that Barb organized at Glacier Greens. I may even pop out to meet Logan and Paul for lunch at the Support our Troops Day bbq, even though lunch is included at my all day scrap. It will all depend on how my scrapping is going and if I need a break.
Then we have the concert that night so I am betting I will be pretty tired.
I can always rest a bit on Sunday, Logan permitting.
I am looking into getting Logan and I into some preschool swim lessons. You can go here from 6 months on. May be fun.
Must go change Logan's diaper.
This evening I am watching 3 of Bea's kids. I can't say that I am not scared. If I didn't have Logan to watch it wouldn't be that bad but I am a little nervous about an 18 month old and a 3 year old, and Logan. Her 8 year old may come to help me and Paul will come right home after work. Is supposed to be only for 2 hours so we will see what happens. I just hope they don't end up stabbing my couches with knives like they did to Bea's couch.
Scrapping at the MFRC last night was superfun. I got one layout done of my BFF and her nephew. I'm not gonna lie, the page turned out pretty good. I will post a pic here and on facebook later. Laurel, Gill, and Bobbi were there and then some new people that I don't know. The screaming baby lady was there but the baby wasn't so it was a cry free zone.
I am really looking forward to the all day scrap tomorrow that Barb organized at Glacier Greens. I may even pop out to meet Logan and Paul for lunch at the Support our Troops Day bbq, even though lunch is included at my all day scrap. It will all depend on how my scrapping is going and if I need a break.
Then we have the concert that night so I am betting I will be pretty tired.
I can always rest a bit on Sunday, Logan permitting.
I am looking into getting Logan and I into some preschool swim lessons. You can go here from 6 months on. May be fun.
Must go change Logan's diaper.
The pic below is the layout I did last night at scrappin. Credits go out to Laurel for the cardstock that I stamped and journaled on. She also let me use her big bite. Gill also helped me with some placing of stuff. The 2 main pieces of paper were ones that she gave me on the weekend. One was a scrap piece and the other was a 12x12 sheet. They are my chipboard letters, and buttons, and stamp, and ink. Sorry Laurel. I was waiting to mention till I got the pic up. You were a huge help! Love ya.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Cricut + Chipboard
Yes, I am not crazy. I even looked in my cricut expression manual. It says you can cut thin chipboard. I did the multicut on my chipboard that I bought yesterday. Unfortunately mine is medium so it didn't work great. It did cut it good enough that I only had to go over it a bit with the exacto but I would prefer not to have to do that at all, so I am going to be on the hunt for thin chipboard.
One other thing is in the works. Gillian and I want to go to Merrit Mountain Musicfest this year so we are investigating options for that. Paul, Gillian and I are considering the volunteering option. Then we would take the truck and camper over . Otherwise, it will just be Gill and I and we will have to tent it since Paul doesn't trust me with the truck and camper. If the 3 of us go, then we have to find a spot for Logan as well. Jodi said she can do it if she is around. I am not gonna lie, it would be super cool to go and we could celebrate my b-day there. Mine is the 14th and technically it is over on the 13th of July but close enough.
Logan is having some fussier days but nothing too crazy. Those teeth are driving him crazy.
I was so stoked to hear that Paula finally had her baby. From what I heard from my Dad, Nathan not sure of the middle names Haider 9 lbs 2 oz. Quick hard labour. Can't wait to see pics. Congrats to Paula & Mike, Big brother Tyler and big sister Taryn.
Weather looks like it will be nice here again today. Just hanging out waiting for Bea to pop over for our run/walk.
One other thing is in the works. Gillian and I want to go to Merrit Mountain Musicfest this year so we are investigating options for that. Paul, Gillian and I are considering the volunteering option. Then we would take the truck and camper over . Otherwise, it will just be Gill and I and we will have to tent it since Paul doesn't trust me with the truck and camper. If the 3 of us go, then we have to find a spot for Logan as well. Jodi said she can do it if she is around. I am not gonna lie, it would be super cool to go and we could celebrate my b-day there. Mine is the 14th and technically it is over on the 13th of July but close enough.
Logan is having some fussier days but nothing too crazy. Those teeth are driving him crazy.
I was so stoked to hear that Paula finally had her baby. From what I heard from my Dad, Nathan not sure of the middle names Haider 9 lbs 2 oz. Quick hard labour. Can't wait to see pics. Congrats to Paula & Mike, Big brother Tyler and big sister Taryn.
Weather looks like it will be nice here again today. Just hanging out waiting for Bea to pop over for our run/walk.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
My first post
Not sure why I wanted to start in spanish but I did. I finally decided to get back into the blogging world. I used to blog on my hotmail myspace but it definitely wasn't daily. We shall see how I do. It is good to be back, I'm not gonna lie. I figured since I harass all my friends with blogs to update theirs that I had better get one of my own to share the love.
I am doing really really well these days. I'm not gonna lie, Logan is an amazing boy and I am so blessed and fortunate to be his Mom. He is working pretty hard on cutting his first teeth but they haven't popped out yet. In other news, he has starting pooing more regularly. It is pretty close to daily now. He was good and ate some butternut squash today. He has been refusing to eat his cereal and solids lately. For those of you who don't know, he has weened himself off of the boobie. It isn't that big of a deal since he has been on bottle and boob since birth and I am used to pumping alot. I miss the quiet moments together sometimes though and my wrist gets sore sometimes holding the bottle. Normally he lies on the pillow on my bed beside me and I have to hold up my arm.
In other news, I had a super fabulous time at the all weekend scrap on the weekend. I didn't get to scrap for most of saturday but I did get to spend the night. We were up again until 0230 and I am not gonna lie, I had some wine and Gill had some JD. And on Sunday there wasn't as good of a turnout as saturday. I guess Friday night would have been the best night to sleep over. I may as well of since I stayed up scrappin there till 0230. I got 11 pages finished this weekend. It was so awesome. I also totally bonded with my friend Gillian. She is my new BFF. We get along sooooooooooooooooo well. We have tons in common and she is really fun to hang around with. This morning she slept in too late and had to go straight to work. She knew I was probably going to pop over to the scrapbook store to see her so she called me to ask if I could pick her up some timmies. I did. No worries. We had a great visit and I was able to buy a 25 pack of chipboard sheets. My Cricut expression will cut them so I am going to do a test run tonight. I 'll let you know how that goes. http://spunkyscrapn.blogspot.com/ You can see a pic of me scrappin on Gill's page.
I am looking forward to the all day scrap organized by Barb this saturday. Then Saturday night is the Support Our Troops dance at the base with a country band so Paul and I are going. It will be alot of fun. My BFF and her man are going as well. Tomorrow I am going for a run with Bea at around 1000, with Logan and the dog too. Then Friday morning, we are walking (Jodi, Gill, Myself, Logan and maybe Barb) I worked out with Jen C on Monday, we did running/walking/sprinting and circuit training and I am still very sore. I also have volleball tuesday nights from 2000-2200 with Rebecca at the Courtenay middle school for the next 10 weeks. This Thursday night I am scrapping at the MFRC.
Till my next post... Keep your stick on the ice.
Not sure why I wanted to start in spanish but I did. I finally decided to get back into the blogging world. I used to blog on my hotmail myspace but it definitely wasn't daily. We shall see how I do. It is good to be back, I'm not gonna lie. I figured since I harass all my friends with blogs to update theirs that I had better get one of my own to share the love.
I am doing really really well these days. I'm not gonna lie, Logan is an amazing boy and I am so blessed and fortunate to be his Mom. He is working pretty hard on cutting his first teeth but they haven't popped out yet. In other news, he has starting pooing more regularly. It is pretty close to daily now. He was good and ate some butternut squash today. He has been refusing to eat his cereal and solids lately. For those of you who don't know, he has weened himself off of the boobie. It isn't that big of a deal since he has been on bottle and boob since birth and I am used to pumping alot. I miss the quiet moments together sometimes though and my wrist gets sore sometimes holding the bottle. Normally he lies on the pillow on my bed beside me and I have to hold up my arm.
In other news, I had a super fabulous time at the all weekend scrap on the weekend. I didn't get to scrap for most of saturday but I did get to spend the night. We were up again until 0230 and I am not gonna lie, I had some wine and Gill had some JD. And on Sunday there wasn't as good of a turnout as saturday. I guess Friday night would have been the best night to sleep over. I may as well of since I stayed up scrappin there till 0230. I got 11 pages finished this weekend. It was so awesome. I also totally bonded with my friend Gillian. She is my new BFF. We get along sooooooooooooooooo well. We have tons in common and she is really fun to hang around with. This morning she slept in too late and had to go straight to work. She knew I was probably going to pop over to the scrapbook store to see her so she called me to ask if I could pick her up some timmies. I did. No worries. We had a great visit and I was able to buy a 25 pack of chipboard sheets. My Cricut expression will cut them so I am going to do a test run tonight. I 'll let you know how that goes. http://spunkyscrapn.blogspot.com/ You can see a pic of me scrappin on Gill's page.
I am looking forward to the all day scrap organized by Barb this saturday. Then Saturday night is the Support Our Troops dance at the base with a country band so Paul and I are going. It will be alot of fun. My BFF and her man are going as well. Tomorrow I am going for a run with Bea at around 1000, with Logan and the dog too. Then Friday morning, we are walking (Jodi, Gill, Myself, Logan and maybe Barb) I worked out with Jen C on Monday, we did running/walking/sprinting and circuit training and I am still very sore. I also have volleball tuesday nights from 2000-2200 with Rebecca at the Courtenay middle school for the next 10 weeks. This Thursday night I am scrapping at the MFRC.
Till my next post... Keep your stick on the ice.
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