Saturday was our all day scrap at Glacier Greens. It was alot of fun. I didn't find I had enough workspace though. Was a decent amount of my scrappin buddies: Gillian, Jen, Laurel, Shannon, Jodi, Bea, Kristin, & Jen. Barb was there but she had put it on so she wasn't really able to do any of her own work. I was only able to finish 3 layouts. At lunchtime, Laurel and I went over to the Support our Troops BBQ to join our husbands and kids. I was home at around 1700 and unfortunately I didn't win any prizes. Gill & Laurel did though. When I got home I was super tired but I hung out with Logan. Paul had made some beef stew for supper so I had some of that. Then we headed to the arena for the Support Our Troops Dance and John Landry Concert. We got there at around 2000 and Jaime babysat Logan for us. We joined Bea & Steve, Kristin, Laurel & Brian, And Gillian & Brandon. Jen & Dale showed up a little later. It was freezing cold in the arena. We stayed till 2230. It was really annoying because everyone was standing at the edge of the dancefloor obstructing our whole view of the dance floor. This morning I woke up and wasn't feeling good at all. I think Paul's stew made me sick. I have felt crappy all day. Logan and I met up with Gill, Brandon, Jen & Nate for brunch but I wasn't able to eat mine. I brought it home for Tikka but Paul ate it. I was surprised but oh well. It didn't go to waste. Logan and I took a monster nap this afternoon. It was so sweet of him to let me rest. I am starting to feel a little better and was able to eat some supper. I cleaned the kitchen and I still need to vacuum before I go to bed. I am looking forward to my cardmaking workshop at Barb's on wednesday!
I still feel crappy. I just finished all my cleaning. Logan stayed up later than normal. Probably cause we had such a monster nap. Enjoy a couple of pics. More on facebook.
Also, I entered the 41 weeks layout into a contest on 52 weeks. We'll see how I do. I think the winner is randomly chosen though.

Your layouts from the crop are awesome, you just keep getting better :D Hope you feel well enough for some scrapping tomorrow hon!
Thanx buddy. You are a good teacher. White space is our friend. I managed to get some supper down.
I hope you are feeling le better! Gill is right, your layouts just keep getting better! I'm loving your new trademark ... 3 buttons ...
My pic is posted.
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