The plan was for me to walk the little children attendants down the aisle to their seats for the wedding. I was supposed to be a guest of honor. Originally when I heard that Gill had 5 bridesmaids and I wasn't one of them I was surprised that I hadn't even been asked but I thought that I would be fat and ugly at the wedding and busy with a 4 month old baby so I didn't give it too much thought. Gill had assured me that I was a guest of honour. The most ironic thing is that when I was searching for a dress for the wedding Gill wanted me to have a coordinating coloured dress for the pictures since she wanted me in them. When I was dress shopping I went to Ladybelle bridal in Nanaimo, BC. It was in April so only around 6 weeks till the wedding. Too late to order anything in without paying a $50 rush fee. The staff was awesome there and found me 3-4 dresses off the shelf to try on. Another lady there shopping for a dress for her grand daughter took Finn and took care of him the whole time I was dress shopping. She was a total Angel. I had mentioned on Facebook that I was going dress shopping in Nanaimo so Gill asked me if I could pick up Jasmine's dress at LADYBELLE briday. I said no problem. So I tried on the dresses they found and the choice was between a shorter pretty blue dress with a heart shaped strapless at the top and a long floor length pink dress. Both were beautiful so I consulted the bride. During the talking we found out that the little blue dress was the exact same dress as her bridesmaids were wearing. I was disappointed because it was such a nice dress but normally guests at the wedding should not be wearing the same dress as the bridesmaids. Gill asked if I was comfortable spending $220 on a dress. I was exhausted after being up all night while Finn pooped every hour on the hour and I just wanted to find a dress that would make Gill happy. After consulting the folder that contained the information for Gill's wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses it was determined that the blue dress was the exact dress but was in a different colour than the ones already picked out and it fit me perfectly like it was meant for me. Gill said I could go ahead and get it. I was over the moon that I found one that matched.
Fast forward to rehearsal Friday may 20th. So I am watching the rehearsal and tearing up. It was very emotional and I really wanted to be up there with Gill celebrating her day!!! Especially since one girl was missing. So after the first run around I told Gill that I would love to stand up there with her and Paul could walk my kids to their seat. She blurted out "Brandon doesn't want u up there". She had mentioned to me something about Brandon not wanting me as a bridesmaid because they weren't super close with Paul. She sort of kid gloved it because I really didn't understand that the groom "strongly disliked me". I responded "That's harsh" and walked away. I was feeling very very under appreciated. I just started crying right there. I am not happy about that because I am normally very good about not crying in public and burying my feelings. I was doing the ugly cry over to the side for quite some time and feeling awful for it. I despise drama and didn't want drama around Gill before her wedding. So we went through the rehearsal one more time and Gill came to talk to me and explained that she had been fighting tooth and nail to include me in the wedding from the beginning and that she fought to have me as a guest of honour and sit at the head table, and that she really wanted me to stand up with her at her wedding but Brandon was adamant. I explained that it was tooo hard for me to be wearing the same dress as everyone else and not get to stand up with her and that I would prefer to just show up at 1500 with everyone else and stand in the back for the wedding and be out of sight. I could tell that she had fought hard for what she wanted and it was her wedding day and I wanted to make it perfect so I said we will go with her plan. I was very very sad but she is my BFF and I wanted to make her happy. So we headed home.
On the way home there was a kid standing in them middle of Lerwick with his hands waving. I could sense he needed help and the universe wanted me to help him. I pulled over and he said he needed a ride to courtenay. I was planning on picking up pizza at pizza hut anyways so I said that he could come home with me and then after I showered I would take him. Paul had been busy mowing the lawn. Something was off with this kid and I asked him if he was on drugs and he denied it. He was a good looking clean cut kid. He sat down and watched the game while I got ready. Then I decided to delegate instead of doing everything else. Paul called Pizza hut coupon in hand and ordered a meal for pick up. I then asked Paul to drop off Austin. Paul thought I knew Austin and I explained no, that he was broadcasting a sign to me that he needed help so I decided to help him. I shouldn't have brought him home and it was kind of stupid picking him up when I had my kids in the back seat but I wanted to help him. Paul took him and dropped him off and later told me that the kid was in fact high on something. Something worse than weed. I am hoping and praying that us helping him restored his faith in humanity and that he can stop using drugs. I found out from him that his step-father is military. So if any of you in the Comox Valley military community know a guy in the military that is a pilot who has a step-son named Austin, we need to help them and sort out Austin so he doesn't become another statistic. My baby brother Raymond committed suicide June 22 2002. He had been using drugs and they fried his brain and made him think he was worthless. We miss him each and every day and if we can prevent even just one suicide then we are doing well. I feel awful that I brought a teenager high on drugs into my home. I am so thankful that he didn't pull a knife on us or something and that this story didn't end bad.
I rushed off in my Canucks jersey over my dress and headed to Dale and Shirley's for the rehearsal supper. Dale bbq'd up some food and I had a chicken weiner/hot dog and a chicken burger. It was delicious. I had a bud light lime with my friends and we had a great time. I had bought a Canucks garden gnome for Drew and Sher since Drew worked on my computer and diagnosed what was wrong. He loved it. We all passed the Gnome around kissing it and giving it motor boats. Good times. I got home just after 2100 and furiously finished working on the toiletries pack that I told Gill I would supply for the bathroom at Glacier Greens during the reception. When all was said and done it was 2200 or so when I finally made it to the bed and breakfast. MulBERRY land B&B was soooo awesome. I could hear geese quacking when I rode up and the landscaping and esthetics are beautiful. They have a huge chess board in the back yard that you can play where the chess pieces are 2 feet high. I don't really care for chess but have played with Paul and when we go there for a date night together I will definitely play with him or he can play with Naomi's husband who loves chess.
So we were giggling all night. I was up till 0230. I waxed my eyebrows and my lip. Everyone has a moustache and if you think you don't you are probably wrong. Hair naturally grows there and it may be lighter and some people are lucky enough that they don't have to take care of it. all that taken care of and then polished my finger and toenails. I slept hard from 0230 or so till 0545. I was working on a wedding day miracle for Gill. I saw that someone was selling a whole bunch of wedding gear on craigslist and that she had 50 chaircovers for sale. I sent her a couple of emails in the middle of the night saying I wanted to buy or rent the chaircovers as a surprise for Gill. Every other detail for the wedding was thought of. In the end it turned out that it came down to cost so that was why Gill didn't get them. I racked my brain all night trying to figure out what I could of done that would make Brandon not like me. He was always super polite to me and I had no idea. The only thing that came to my mind was something that happened when we were in Merritt in 2008. Paul, Gill and I went to Merritt. We were volunteering. Gill has extreme anxiety and when someone tells you they have that, it is hard to imagine that they have it if they seem completely fine when you are around.
I had never known anyone who panics or has anxiety. She had told me stories about it and said that she couldn't be alone. So while we were volunteering I arranged for her and I to work together. Even on my anniversary with Paul I was partners with Gill so she wouldn't panic. As I said though I had never seen her panic before and didn't give it much thought but stayed with her. We had golf carts and it was fun. Read all about our trip to Merritt and volunteering in my older posts here. http://raelynn77.blogspot.com/2008/07/merritt-and-more.html So this one night when we were there our job was to sell pamphlets at the gate and make sure people had their stickers to get in and park. Shane Yellowbird was playing on the mainstage and we were missing it. I asked if I could take a break and go see him play. I agreed to physically run the 2 km back to the mainstage and back if I couldn't get on the bus and that I would only go for one song. I ended up catching the bus there, watching the one song, which was awesome and then running all of the way back to the gate as per my promise. I found out later that Gill and Paul were pissed because I got to see Shane even though they didn't really like him and would not have been willing to run there and back. That was find but when we finished much later it was just in time to see Sugarland I believe. We walked over to the bus stop and were waiting. It was going to take forever so we decided to walk. Gill said she wasn't walking and that she was tired. We were all exhausted but we wanted to get to the show so we asked her to come. She adamantly refused so we left her. Knowing what I later learned about her panic issues and how bad they are we never would have left her if we knew. we started walking. Pretty soon we see Gill riding right by us on the back of golfcart. Some good samaratan had picked her up and was giving her a ride. I was pissed that she rode right by us and didn't give us a lift. So Paul and I finally get there and I am soooo pissed off. We find Gill and I don't want to talk to her I am so angry. Paul being the awesome guy that he is plays peace maker. Gill wanted money and I didn't want to give it to her but Paul did. We ended up talking and she said that she ended up going in to a full fledged anxiety attack when we left her and was paralyzed. Then she got the ride and was still panicking and didn't think about getting us a ride too. We were both crying and hugging each other and we made up. I felt awful for her panicking. I just thought she was being lazy about not walking and was pissed that I gave up my anniversary with my hubby for her and she couldn't get us a lift on the golf cart. Needless to say it was a huge misunderstanding. We both felt bad but we talked and forgave each other. Every time I think of this story I feel like a big a**hole. She tells me not to think about it then. she is the best. We had a great time together for the rest of the weekend and we haven't discussed it since. But my brain figured out that maybe that was why Brandon "didn't like" me. So I was up at 0530, had a bath in the huge claw foot soaker tub. Amazing, shaving my left with my portable pack of BIC SOLEIL twilight triple bladed razors. I had a 4 pack with 2 bonus that I took to the B&B because there was six of us and that is how I roll. No one else wanted one but on the wedding day Sher used one on Drew to fix a spot he missed on his face. These razors were awesome. I believe I got extra points for them as well they worked on my legs without shaving cream. I used the goat soap provided by the B&B that was amazing. After that I got dressed and then I pumped my breastmilk to drop off at home. Was sooooo funny. Someone knocked on the bathroom door and asked what I was doing. I said pumping my breastmilk and if they wanted me to be quieter they would have to manually express it for me. Was soooooooooooooo funny. Then I got up and took down everyones Timmies order because I had a plan and wanted to make a wedding day miracle.
I asked Gill if she told Brandon about what happened at Merritt and she said she did. This confirmed it for me that that had to be the reason. I asked her what he drinks and she said French Vanilla and I was off. She said he was getting up at 0700 so I said I would wait till then before going over. I rolled over to Tim Hortons on the corner of Guthrie and Anderton. I ordered a french vanilla for myself, Brandon, and Joel the best man, and 3 milk 1 sugar for Jen (maid of honour) and a to go 10 pack of hot chocolate for the rest of the guys and a double double for Paul and a 3 cream one sugar for Drew and headed over to Brandon's house. I took the drinks in and went and knocked on his door. He said he was occupied and would be right out. As soon as he came out I asked if we could talk. This is all new territory for me since I am mostly anti-confrontational by nature. I am also a peace maker and a care taker. While I was waiting for Brandon I gave Drew a towel from the linen closet and scooped out their cat litter chunks. They both hate doing it so it gets super full before anyone cleans it. I don't mind doing it so I thought I would do it for them and make them happy. Brandon came out to talk to me and we went to the bedroom to talk. He hugged me straight away and said he was sorry and then I said
"If you hate me because of Merritt and what happened there, then you are a great fiancee, if you hate me for any other reason you are an a**hole. I said that I know I hurt her deeply at Merritt and I would never ever hurt her again and her and I had forgiven each other and moved on. I also told him that I am going to me a millionnaire by the time I am 43 years old and he doesn't want poor Gill to have to masturbate in her guest suite on the cruise because he won't be there and all of us will be with our husbands". He admitted to me that that was the reason that he was angry with me. I asked him why he never talked about it and he told me that he hates confrontation as well. I told him that every detail of Gill's wedding was perfectly done and he wouldn't want her to have any sadness to do with the wedding 10 years down the road and say that everything was perfect except that she was still upset that one of her bestfriends wasn't allowed to stand up with her. We hugged it out and he appologized and I appologized and he said he would text Gill to let her know that he would be happy for me to stand up with her. I was over the moon. The power of talking to someone face to face is sooooooooooooooo powerful. Do not carry grudges and dislike. Chances are it was a mis-understanding. We wiped the slate clean and all was well in the universe. I rushed home to drop off Paul's double double and a french vanilla for Aunt Margie. Margie and Jerry came down Friday night for 2 nights to watch our children for us and we love and appreciate them soooooooooo much. Then I headed back to the B&B and got there in time for our 0730 breakfast. It was amazing. It was home made waffles with whipped cream, and fresh blueberries and strawberries. And I told Gill that everything was good and that Brandon said I could be a bridesmaid. She was dumbfounded and incredulous because she had been trying for a year and he wouldn't even tell her why he was upset with me. She was so incredulous that she didn't actually believe me till she talked to Brandon later. It was sooo awesome seeing how happy she was.
So then I dropped off Natalie at Velvet Underground (http://www.velvetundergroundhair.ca/) website is still under construction but you can see it. It is the best kept secret for haircare in the comox valley. They are soooo amazing. Every detail is thought of at this spa. Immaculate, 2 hour parking right beside the adult store, they also have wi-fi that you can use when you are there having services. It was soooooooo great to still be connected while you are sitting there. I accomplished alot while I was there. After dropping off Natalie I had to run home. While I was home the girls called me and said that Gill's hairpiece was missing and asked if I could go to the B&B and find it. I searched all over the b&b and it wasn't there. It also wasn't at their house. I went to Barb's and found out that she was at Glacier Greens setting up so I finally texted her and she said that she found it. I picked up a few other things that shouldn't have been there as well and took them to the B&B. Thhttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=2381406587646760112&postID=6358941565934720036en I rushed back to get my hair and make-up done after picking up a case of my energy bars that I got on sale at shoppers drug mart. I used to think Shoppers drug mart was the most expensive place possible to buy things. And it is if you don't buy things on sale. But everything I buy is on sale and deeply discounted. Man I love saving money. So then I got back to the hair salon and gave all of the girls energy bars since we had been up all night laughing etc!!! My hair was done by Cheri and was amazing. Leah did my make up and she is sooooooooooooooooooooo good. She said she loved working on my eyes and was so sweet and great. She is super affordable and can make anyone look hot!!! Posting my before and after pics here. Was so funny. People are always asked how they want their hair and make-up. I told them that they are the experts and do whatever inspires them and that I had full confidence that they would come up with something awesome. They really appreciated using their creative genius. I told them that "you don't go to a gynecologist and tell them how to do a pap smear". They laughed. Speaking of gynecologists. If you are looking for an awesome OB go to Ocean View Women's clinic at http://www.yellowpages.ca/bus/British-Columbia/Comox/Ocean-View-Women-s-Clinic/5887358.html They are awesome. Dr. Bagdan did my c-section and he is amazing. Dr. Wilson was my OB. Everyone that I met there was amazing and super helpful. One time Dr. Wilson got called to the hospital so they were able to fit me in for my check-up with Dr. Bagdan cause they saw me with my infant and 3.5 year old. Big ups to them!!!
Then we headed back to the B&B to get ready and take pics. While I was at the salon the woman with the chair covers called me and said I could rent 42 of them for $42. Was such a sweet deal. She popped over for my $100 deposit and even dropped them off at the b&b for me. Was so great. We only used probably 30 or so and they made such an awesome touch and Gillian was soooo happy and surprised. We did our thing and got dressed for the wedding. we were running behind schedule so we weren't able to do any wedding party pics before the ceremony. Wedding was so beautiful and great. The photographers KP photography out of Victoria were amazing and fun to work with. I have seen a few pictures like the ones they did on the green in the dark at the golf course and it was amazing!!! I almost wiped out walking down the rock path in my high heals with Logan but I didn't. It was the most beautiful wedding ever!!! From there my hubby volunteered to take the 30 chairs or so to the wedding reception site. He is the best. They didn't have a plan in place. Each guest was gonna take 2 chairs each. Paul dropped the kids off at home and came back and him and Gary and a few of us loaded up the chairs and then him and Gary went and did the set up.
We went to a field near Anderton road and took wedding pics. We were cold but we survived and she will have some awesome pics. Then I headed home with the hopes of Uncle Jerry dropping Paul and I off at the reception. Paul had already gotten dropped off by Jerry so unfortunately I was another trip for Jerry. But we really appreciated not having to leave a car at the golf course over night.
Everything about the wedding reception was amazing. All of the desserts were hand made from scratch by Shirley Querin and were amazing. There was pie, the best brownie I ever tasted, matrimonial cake, carrot cake etc etc. Gill also had a candy bar and had made little bags for each guest to fill with candy. Sooooo yummy. The meal was a buffet and was delicious. Caesar salad, roast beef, yummy. Paul and I decided to leave the kids with Margie and Jerry so we could have a date night and we were the envy of every other couple with kids. Was so great and stressfree. During the meal Nat's son spilled something like berries on her dress. I whipped out my "stain to go" from liquidation world bought for $2. It took the whole stain out in a flash and Nat was ecstatic. Tide stick is $3.99 or $4.99 so this was a steal. The speeches were also great and then the first dances were amazing. The heater kept blowing the circuit breaker and we were really cold in the tent to Paul and I decided to see if we could fix it. He got it going again and it happened multiple times through the night. Gary and Paul were both fixing it off and on. The funny thing is that the rumour going around was that the "guy in the pink shirt" Gary, was shutting it off. I quickly dispelled that and assured people that he was in fact trying to fix it.
The coolest thing Brandon and Gillian had set up was a photo booth. They had a camera on a tripod set up with a remote taped to the wall and guess went and took their picture with the goal being that Brandon and Gillian would have a picture of all of the guests and it would be a combined photo/signed guestbook. Best idea ever!!! Gill had a vision of her wedding since she was a little girl and she made it perfect. We left at midnight and I was doing the head bob all of the way home in the shuttle. Best wedding ever!!! And so much fun.
Sunday we got up and went to Superstore gas bar to do some extreme saving. I had spend $250 for groceries so I was entitled to 25 cents per litre off of up to 100 L of gas. I offered to gas up Margie and Jerry's car but they refused. Jerry drofe Paul's car, and I drove my car and Paul took the truck. We were able to get our 100 litres of gas and saved $35.00. but we earned superbucks on the whole thing so we earned $4 in superbucks. Total savings of $39. So great. Then we went to Church and then we headed over to the Officer's Mess for a special brunch put on for honoured guests and out of towners. It was catered by PLATES in Courtenay and I personally thought it was delicious. There was eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, pancakes and super awesome potatoes. There was also caesar salad and then all of the making for chicken or beef fajitas. soooooooooooooooooo good.
After that we headed home and then Margie and I went to liquidation world so I could show it to her. I had printed us both off a 20% coupon for Sunday only. I scored 2 pairs of American Eagle sweat pants, 4 AE knit sweaters, a pair of AE flip flops and at least 15 different shirts for Paul that will look sooooooooooooooooo good. I also picked up a little white skirt for me and got enough for my friends so we can have a little white skirt event!!! So perfect for summer. The best part is that the skirt is a size 2. It fits everyone perfectly when I put it on them. Super great!!! The sweaters were $12 before my 20% off and are normally over $50 each. That means they were on for 5 for the price of one. Maybe I did get 5. All I know is that I scored huge!!!
Then we went to Burger King and I did some couponing there. Aunt Margie had a set of my coupons in the drive thru and I went in. Just so everyone knows if you are in uniform at Burger King courtenay (military) you get 10% off. I was wearing my canucks jersey so he gave me 10% off as well. Also I had my 2 can dine for $8.98. Then if you buy an extra value meal you can get hershey pies, apple pies, milk shakes, and cineparts etc for only 99cents. I ended up getting us the whopper and chicken sandwich meal, 3 milk shakes, 2 hershey pies and one cineparts. Total bill was onloy $16. I was looking at my bill and was confused because I paid $1.98 each for the pies but everything else was 99cents. They were busy but when I talked to the assistant manager he explained that I wasn't entitled to the 99cent menu. so I asked why he gave it to me on the shakes and the cineparts but not the hershey sundae pies. I then realized that I owed him money but thing was that I didn't want these products if they weren't 99Cents. So he was going to refund me $2.00. I told him not to worry about it since we all make mistakes and he was happy. Aunt Margie's bill was also wrong. He took her coupons and forgot to apply them so we went in and her bill went from $17 to $10 when he did her coupons. When I walked in the store with my coupons the woman ahead of me asked where I got the coupons and I said in the mail or the paper. She was from qualicum and they don't get coupons there but whenever they come to Courtenay she craves burger king. So I gave her all of the coupons that I didn't use and she was soooooooooooooo happy and grateful!!
Then home we came and shortly after Margie and Jerry went home.
I have also learned that Subway gives a 10% military discount and you only have to show your ID!!!
Happy Saving I have to try and work a miracle so I can attend Quinlan's first birthday!
Right now I fly in to Winnipeg landing at 2145 on the 28th and the party is during the day so I am going to see how much it costs to go on the 27th instead. I am sure West Jet will give me the sweet hook up since I do alot of promotion for them.
Sunday night we headed over to Tina's and I met some awesome people and made some new friends. I found out it was her birthday and she was stressing about not having enough money for a flight to Greenwood for her friends wedding. I told her I would book it for her and make it under $600 for her. I did. I put in on my credit card but she is paying me back after pay day and was ecstatic. West Jet had a seat sale on till the 23rd that I mentioned in my blog for the whole east coast. Was amazing!!!
Thank you west jet!!1
Love Rae-Lynn.