Hi there.
Last night when Paul got home I ran to the independent quick. The plan was to pick up a rosemary rotisserie chicken. They were all sold out when I got there so I just got the regular kind. Some day I will get there in time to get one. I did a quick look around and picked up a couple of things. Then I realized I forgot my coupon binder at home so I stopped browsing and paid. The stuff I did get were great deals: Philly dip (2.99) not a great deal, McCain cake on for 2 for $3 for the smaller ones. Picked up one, Sirloin steaks $7.25 and $6.90 for pretty big ones, Chicken thighs 3 packages with 9 in them bone in skin on were $4.49, $4.33, and $4.70. Renees caesar dressing on for 2 for $6 for the small bottles (bought 2), Fleece balaclava bear hat on clearance for $1.94 for Finn, mushrooms white bulk 84 cents for .190 kg, rotisserie chicken for $9.99. Total paid $52.33. Now looking at my receipt I see that I have 25,231 points so next trip I can redeem 20000 points for $20 off my bill!!
So we had a good night last night and a later supper than normal but we got the kids to bed. We watched the Greys that I pvred. Got to bed around 2330 or so. Finn slept through till after 0600 so that was nice.
Then today we had a great breakfast. Finn passed out in his highchair while I was doing my flyers/coupon match ups. I thought I smelled poop so I took him up to check and then get him to sleep. There was a massive poop explosion in his jeans, all over his legs and privates. sooooo gross. So bath time it was, then I got him down for another nap. I stayed upstairs while he was napping since he was on my bed barricaded in. Didn't want to chance waking him up in the transfer to the crib. Paul was working on installing water shutoffs for the house and a new kitchen faucet. This one is soooooooooooooo amazing. Finn even helped him a bit. Pic to be posted later. Then I got a loaf of bread on the go in the breadmaker and then Finn and I headed out shopping.
First stop was to Shopper's drugmart. They had a spend $50 get a $10 tim's giftcard promo on. I did 2 transactions. The first one was one pack of duracell square batteries (2 in package) on for $4.99 minus my $2 off coupon from P&G, 2% milk $4.19, Webber glucosamine 360 pack on for $12.99, Tylenol arthritis 170 pack $13.99 minus $3 tear pad coupon, tylenol body pain night 40 count $13.99 - $5 coupon living well printable. Total after coupons was $40.15 ($50.15 before coupons), with taxes was $45.37. Saved $38 + $10 in coupons + the free $10 timmies card.
Transaction 2: I happened to see Webber Osteo-joint-ease pills the 80 caplet bottles on for $19.99 down from $27.99. I had $5 off coupons from an insert ages ago. I actually have a tonne more. So I picked up 3 bottles and used 3 of my $5 off coupons. Total after coupons $44.97 then $7.80 taxes for a total of $52.77. Bill said I saved $24.00 from regular price, and then add in my $15 in coupons is $39 and then my free $10 timmies card. I also received 590 points on this transaction and 500 on the first one.
After shoppers we headed to walmart to attempt my first major price matching couponing combo trip and I think it was a great trip:
Dempsters 12 grain bagels on for $2 per bag, bought 2,
Animal crackers $2
Armstrong marble cheese $4.44 for 500 g
Armstrong cheddar cheese $4.44 for 500g
Bear paws $2.47 (bought 3) there is a tearpad coupon for 50 cents off but I don't have them,
motts fruitsations on for $2 for a 6 pack. I bought 4
Blue water beer batter fish sticks price matched giant tiger at $4 each bought 4.
Kraft bbq sauce regular and chicken and rib price matched loblaws/independent for $1 each, bought 4.
Colgate kids toothpaste price matched zellers at 99 cents. bought 6
broccoli price matched metro $.99 a bunch, bought 2.
Goldfish golden grahams honey flavor on for $2.27 bought 2 and used 2 50 cent off coupons.
Kraft dinner smart on for $1 bought 3 and used 3 coupons for 75 cents off each,
Thinsations $2 minus 75 cent coupon
Centrum men on for $9.97 minus $3 tearpad coupon,
centrum women on for $9.97 minus $3 tearpad coupon,
motrin 16s migraine liquid gel $3.47 minus $3 tear pad coupon
I price matched satin care shaving cream for $2.49 from zellers ($3.16 at walmart) and then used a $1 off bransaver
something that said lc580g $4.
total coupons used $17 off. grandtotal was $89.00 after taxes. Was awesome!! Not sure the regular price of some of the items. Was soooooo much fun!!! Price matching rocks!!!
then I rented a movie from the kiosk on the way out. I have seen it but Paul hasn't. Only $2.27 due back in 24 hours. Crazy stupid love. Can't wait to watch it with Paul. Came home and put stuff away (stockpile, and cupboards), My bread was done and smells amazing.
Paul and Logan just got home from helping Kevin with a treadmill from costco. I guess Paul's hand slipped helping Logan with his zipper, punching Logan in the nose resulting in a massive nose bleed all over both of their coats. They are back and alright. Time for some supper.
My new sink is soooo great. Thanx baby.
Love Rae-Lynn, Paul, Logan and Finn