Monday, May 26, 2008
I am le sunburnt!
Wednesday night was stampin club at Barb's. It was alot of fun!!! I didn't get home till midnight. I wasn't allowed to go to scrappin on thursday night since Paul was going to the driving range. It worked out for the best though since my back was so sore that I wouldn't have been able to lift my stuff anyways.
Then on Saturday Laurel and I took our "treasures" to Jen's for the PMQ garage sale. I ended up massively sunburning both arms and shoulders. They are still sore right now. I keep soaking them in aloe. I only got rid of a few things $87 worth. I am going to be posting a whole bunch of stuff on freecycle and some things on craigslist. After the garage sale we loaded up the camper and headed to Tee Pee park at Air Force Beach to camp beside the Selman's. It was alot of fun. Henry and Teenasha popped over. Tikka had a ball with Turner swimming and fetching. Paul and I had burgers for supper and Laurel and Brian had hot dogs. Jen had some kind of burger I believe. Logan was down for the count by 7:30 I think and slept through till 0600. Gill and Brandon showed up just after 8PM. Unfortunately little Nate would not go to sleep for Jen so she ended up leaving just after 9PM. We hung out at the fire until almost midnight and then we turned in for the evening. I was up with Logan at 0600 and we made it back to sleep from 0700-0830. Then we got up and make some breakfast and packed things up. On the way home we pumped out the camper and dropped it off at the storage lot on base. We were all pretty tired. Logan and I took a huge nap during the afternoon and Paul and Henry went to the Yacht club openhouse.
Last night I did some cleaning. Unfortunately Logan woke up 30 minutes after being transported to his crib because it was sooooo hot in his room. Logan ended up sleeping with me and Paul slept downstairs. Today seems cooler and we have a fan in his room so hopefully things will go better.
I had a chiropractor appointment today. Went really well. Apparently my right leg is longer than my left leg by the width of a pencil. Crazy crazy. I get fitted for my new orthotics tomorrow as well. Logan is off to childcare and no running for me until further notice.
I got the kitchen and living room vacuumed and mopped today while Logan was napping.
This Thursday Logan and I head to Ontario till the 8th of June followed by Manitoba till the 16th of June. We fly out with Jen and Nate so that should be alot of fun. I hope Nate travels as well as Logan!!!
Not much going on this week aside from appointments and packing for our trip. Hopefuly Paul will get all his stuff done around the house while we are gone.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
What Rae-Lynn Means |
![]() You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
Monday, May 19, 2008
Happy Victoria Day everyone!
I also have some more awesome news. Gill and I were accepted to be volunteers at Merrit mountain Musicfest this year. We are just waiting to see if Paul got accepted!!!
Also forgot to say that Dale (Brandon's Dad) looks alot like George Young (Julia's husband). Lots of similar body movement too. Weird.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Best Wednesday ever!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Awesome Run
I am soaking my wine bottles. My wine is ready to bottle at Signature Wines so I need to make an appointment to bottle it. I think our washer is leaking. Paul will look at it tomorrow. We booked our Summer flights today. I'm not gonna lie, it was ridiculously expensive. We are definitely staying here for Christmas unless we get service flights. Total was around $2400. We are flying west jet this time since they won't charge us for having 2 bags and you are allowed way more baby stuff with them. It cost us $15 more than if we flew Air Canada.
Tomorrow I am dropping Logan off at Creative Kids at 0900 and then Gill is coming over at 0930 to scrap with me. Will be nice to be able to scrap at the same time as her. Normally I can't scrap if Logan is up because he is keeping me busy. Paul is home most of tomorrow till 2 PM. He works 3PM till 9 PM tomorrow painting an airplane. He is going in at 2PM to load up the camper on the truck.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day gifts
These 2 are the ones I made for my Mom.
Here is a couple pics of the acrylic album.
Update from the weekend!
At 1600 we dropped off Logan at the babysitter's and headed to the Officer's mess for International night. Jaime our normal babysitter was babysitting for someone else at 1630. So Jodi (her Mom) said she would watch Logan till 7 PM when Jaime was done with the other people and then Jaime would bring Logan home and bathe him and put him to bed. 19 Wing was hosting visiting Air Forces for Fincastle ( a sub hunting exercise). The British, Scotish, New Zealand, Australian, and (Greenwood Nova Scotia) all had air crews out. This event was amazing. Everything was free. There was so much booze it was ridiculous. I had a glass of moosemilk, another fruit drink and then lots of white wine. Paul had lots of everything else. Just after 4:30 the people that Jaime was babysitting for showed up. I was confused. I asked them if they were going to be home by 7 PM and they looked really confused. So I was pretty worried and didn't want to screw over Jodi. I called her and she said it was fine and that Logan was sleeping anyways. No worries, back to the party. All of the food was free too. There was a pig that was roasted, The aussies bbq'd some awesome ribs, there was burgers and dogs, salads, etc. It was great. Scott and Bobbi were there but unfortunately Bobbi had to be home at 7. Paul and I had a blast. At one point I fell down in the washroom and smashed my knees since I saw the wet floor sign way too late and my holey soles (like crocs only better) are very slippery at times. We were home by 1115 PM and were delighted that Jaime had made it home with Logan and that he was in bed!!! Good times. Sunday we were both super hungover but I managed to get up and feed Logan and then the 3 of us went back to sleep. Logan had us up again before 9AM so we could make it to the base for church. Then the 3 of us headed to Ricki's for Mother's Day Brunch! I tried to nap with Logan as much as I could throughout the day since I felt so crappy.
We gave Madison her birthday present before we went out. She loved it. She is starting to get interested in scrapbooking so I gave her a whole bunch of scrapbook stuff that I didn't pan on using. A 12x12 album, 1 of the 2 blocks of paper in a costco pack, 3 pairs of scissors, some templates, some stickers, a cutter (since I upgraded to the Carl), and some other cool stuff. I found out on Sunday that she spent all day sunday scrappin. She brought over her album to show me. I was very impressed.
Then last night some of the Yummy Mummies and other girlfriends headed out to Lucky Bar for the exotic male dancers for Mother's Day. Jen, Angela, Laurel, Bobbi and I headed there. Kim met us there (the owner). She arranged for Jen, Laurel and I to have free cover. It was quite the entertaining evening. Unfortunately though, it was supposed to start at 2030 but didn't end up starting till 2130. There was 2 "dancers" Raphael and Diamond. They did 2 shows each. They did their first show each and then there was a huge intermission. I was so tired. It was really fun though. Highballs were only $2. I drank Cranberry gingerales and water. Refills on non-alchoholic drinks were also free. I didn't get home till after midnight and it was 0100 before I made it to bed. Needless to say I was still pretty tired today. I managed to get in a 30 minute walk with Logan and Tikka. And then Logan went in the swing at the park. He seemed to enjoy it. Then we stopped in to say hi to Tammy who was still feeling ill from Saturday night as well.
I have Logan booked in at creative kids this week on tuesday, wed, and thursday from 9-12. I hope to have some me time and do some scrapping or whatever. Tomorrow I have a run with the yummy mummies that I will be doing without Logan. My hips and knees have been really bothering me lately though so hopefully I won't be super slow even without pushing Logan. I just got good news from Jen tonight. Her and Nate will be on the same flight to Toronto as Logan and I on the 29th of May. Shall be fun being travel buddies!!!
Ta Ta for now. You can see some pics from last night at the dancers of the girls on our yummy mummies facebook group site!
Friday, May 9, 2008
My hubby is pretty great!
So Logan was up at 0200 last night. He rolled over on his tummy and was sideways screaming his lungs out. I went up and changed him and he went back to bed till 0600. We had an alright day although he was pretty fussy. Someone passed on an exersaucer to us that was identical to the one we had but with a few basic toys in it. We passed our old one on to Jen who later helped me fix the cloth seat which I had been installing wrong. Nate will enjoy his "new to him" exersaucer. Needless to say we didn't make it to the pool for a swim this morning.
I was going to join Paul at TGIF for fish and chips and Jaime said she would babysit but Logan was super fussy when he woke up from his nap so we cancelled. Jen came over and we took the puppies and the babies for a walk. I had filled up the tires of my little tykes stroller/trailer today and apparently I filled them too full because when I went to get Logan ready for the walk they were both very flat and falling off of the tires. I had heard a couple of bangs earlier in the afternoon and it turns out that that was my tires popping. very poopy. Logan was pretty fussy on the walk. Paul was home around 5 PM from TGIF and as a joke I asked him if he wanted to watch Logan and Nate so Jen and I could go to TGIF. He said no right away but around 5 minutes later said "How long would you guys be if you went" and from there said he would watch Nate and Logan. We were gone around 40 minutes when I called him. Things weren't going well. When Nate is hungry, he needs his food. Paul was trying to feed them both at the same time. Paul was amazed at how good of an eater Nate is. Much better than Logan!! We assumed we would be able to eat at 1730 as per normal and have a drink and probably be only gone an hour. Unfortunately the supper wasn't going to be served till 1800 and Paul asked us to come home when I called. We picked up some Little Caesar's pizza on the way home. Nate was sure glad to see his Mommy. Paul said that every once in awhile Nate would look around like he was looking for Mom. I guess since that is probably only the 2nd time that Nate has met Paul that maybe that had something to do with it. I was super impressed with my hubby stepping up like that and trying to give Jen a break. It was very sweet of him. We got to see a few people that I hadn't seen forever.
I weighed and measured Logan yesterday at the public health care building. He was 21 lbs 12 ounces and 29 inches. he seems to be slowing down.
We will be getting the camper ready for next weekend, this weekend!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I am so sore.
My Mom called me on yesterday to thank me for the Mother's Day gifts I made her. After Mother's Day I can post pics and a description.
Was sad for Jen and Gill that Jen is getting posted to Cold Lake. It was a complete shock to them which made it even worse.
Logan is pretty messed up this week. He is waking up at weird times and getting up really early in the morning. He is making it super hard for Mommy. He is pooing once daily now though so that is good for him.
Sunday night a few of the ladies (the yummie mummies), and my BFF Gill, and a few others are heading out to Lucky Bar for the male exotic dancers for Mother's Day. Worst case scenario it will be a good laugh. Will be good for the ladies whose husband's are away. Paul gave me the okay to attend!!
Not much planned for the weekend. We shall see what happens.
I broke down and bought the Carl rotary trimmer today from Staples. I like it alot. I have to get the tricks from Laurel though. I missed her at scrapping tonight. I'll guess I'll hear why later. Jen mentioned something but I must not have been paying attention because I can't remember.
We are planning on going camping for the long weekend. We are looking at a place in Campbell river. They have free wifi so I am all over it. Will be Logan's first camping trip. Should be fun.
With gas being so expensive we can't go toooo far!!!
Cheers for now!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Busy-ish Day
Good night.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
All day scrap
I had an awesome day at the MFRC all day scrap. I got to scrap with Gill, Jen, Laurel, Heather and 2 new friends Sam and Kim. It was awesome. The food we picked out went over really well and everyone had fun. Too bad Angela wasn't there though. I finished 9 layouts and 3 special Mother's Day gifts for my Mom, my step-mom, and my mother-in-law. They are awesome. I didn't think my layouts were that nice at the end of the day but looking at them now I am pretty happy about them. They were alot of fun. Paul took care of Logan all day today. I rolled out of bed, showered, ate, pumped, kissed and cuddled Logan and was out the door. After the scrap, Gill and I went out for supper to the Griffin. I got home just after 8 PM and to my surprise Logan was still up. Paul said that he had been fussy for the last 3 hours. Felt a little bad that I didn't dcome straight home but I figured Logan would have been in bed or that Paul would have called if he was having trouble. Logan seemed ecstatic to see me. Apparently his teeth had been bothering him. I gave him cuddles, snuggles, and a bottle of boobie and got him in to bed at 9PM. I hope he sleeps till 9 AM then I will get an awesome sleep!!! I am going for a run tomorrow with the yummy mummies at 9 AM. I guess I have to get up before 9 AM then. will post pics when I get a chance.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Mother's Day photo contest!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Post mid-week update
Today I went for a run with the Yummy Mummies group. Logan was pretty fussy for the most part until he fell asleep. We did 2 laps at the Courtenay Air park which worked out to 4 km in total. We also did some step ups, push ups, and crunches. I hope I'm not extra extra sore tomorrow. Then I returned some BPA avent bottles to London Drugs. I returned 10 bottles. I was refunded $7.99 each for the 9 oz bottles and $6.99 each for the 4 oz bottles. In total $85 of in store credit. I probably have to take my Avent Express II microwave sterilizer to Toyr R Us for a refund.
Tonight I went to scrapbooking at the MFRC. Was good. Laurel and Bobbi were there out of my "group". We had fun. I was working on a cute little project that can't be posted till after Mother's day. Then I popped over to Angela's to deliver her order from my stampin up workshop last week. Ended up visiting till 10 PM. I'm really gonna miss her when she leaves. She a really good friend and v-ball player, and fellow scrapper!
Tomorrow I am probably going swimming with Jen in the morning with the babies and then Gill and I will go get food for the all day scrap in the afternoon.
Paul is going to install the new baby gate this weekend since the little one is probably going to be mobile very soon.