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Friday, October 31, 2008

LOL Cont

So last night 99er came in wearing his beret. I messaged P (my coworker) on the chat that 99er was there wearing his beret and that it was nice. He said lol or screw off or something like that. 5 minutes later he messages me that 99er came back there and says to him "nice lid", starts laughing, says that yesterdays event was actually very funny and shook his hand again. It was toooooooooooooooo funny.

Man was I tired yesterday. Good thing there is so much adrenalin pumping through me at work that it keeps me from falling asleep. It was chaos everything going on yesterday but I did a good job keeping a grip on it. Was very hectic right until 0030.

I stopped in to check my email last night at 0045 on my way home. I was trying to update my blog last night but the laptop that I was using wouldn't go to my webpage said it was blocked by dnd. So I am updating it now. So it was 0120 or so when I finally got to my tent and then I got ready for bed. Got to bed at 0140 and the last time I looked at my watch was 0300 and I was still awake. My brain is on overdrive planning stuff etc. Then I was up at 0815 so it is getting worse and worse. My insomnia that is. I love the job, I can't wait to go to work.

I forgot to post yesterday that the night before Dale (Jen's husband) was in my work area and we got to have a little chat. Was really nice to see him again. Made me really miss Jen and Nate more but was soooo awesome to chat with him. Kyle W is also here, Stew (AESOP) from greenwood, and a few other people. It is really cool working with Brian Tang. We were in the same year together at RMC. He is an AERE and he is doing a staff job in my HQ as well, learning the army lingo.

One annoying thing is that the army seems to be so jealous of the AIR FORCE that they bash us all the time. They make a joke everyday about the aurora or the UAV or something else. Was annoying me but I think it is jealousy so I am trying to not let it bother me.

I think that is all i have for now.

Robyn sent me an awesome email. I loved it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dale told me thins morning that he had run into you the other day :-) Made me miss you too! I wish I had some advice on the sleeping front to give you. But I, thankfully, had never had trouble sleeping. Maybe earplugs?? It night not block out your thoughts, but it might allow you to settle down more easily if you weren't hearing lots of ambient noise around you. Just a thought! Only a few more days till you'll be home with Paul and Logan!