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Thursday, October 29, 2009

30 OCTOBER 0037

Had an alright day. Got to bed at 0130 or so and got up at 1000. Watched the season finale of Season 3 of the L word. Then I grabbed a shower. Then somehow I managed to misplace my keys. The keys to my barrack box, and to my bike. Searched for 20 minutes and then figured I must have locked them inside my barrack box. So then I had to walk to lunch, ate quick since I was behind schedule and then headed to work. Work was steady busy but not as insane as the last couple of days which was nice. There was a ramp ceremony today for the soldier we lost yesterday. I was at work so I couldn’t go. Hopefully that will be the last one before I leave. They are very sad. Then at 1845 I borrowed a vehicle and went to the MP shack to pick up the bolt cutters, then I ran back to work and picked up my Thursday night pizza. Then I ran home, and cut 2 locks off. Found my keys in my barrack box. Then I grabbed my 3 boxes of stuff I had to mail and loaded up the truck and drove over to the post office. They close at 2000 so it was a big rush. Got there at 1930 and furiously had to wrap everything up. Got everything mailed off. Then I came home and watched some L word. Now I am watching an episode of Dexter and then I will go to bed.

I am sad I have to miss Halloween with Logan since I missed last year and now I have to miss this year. I hope Paul takes lots of photos.

Love Rae-Lynn

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