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Thursday, October 8, 2009

9 OCTOBER 0043

Had a good day today. Went to bed at 0430 and got up at 1300. Paul got back today from his holiday so all 4 of us are here now. Had lunch with them and then picked up my laundry and went to work. We had pizza night at work which was nice. Had a really busy shift for quite awhile but still managed to read a couple hours of my book. It is really good. It is a thriller called Storm Cycle. Finished my shift at 2345 or so and biked home. then washed up for bed and now I am blogging and watching Grey's.

So now tomorrow I have my shift at 1230-1900 so I have less time off between my shift tomorrow and I have to adjust to the new timing but will be fine.

The coolest thing happened today. The officer commanding (a colonel) the Operational Mentoring Liaison Team wanted to meet with Sven and I. We went out and met with him and apparently Sven already had his meeting in the morning. I had mine in the afternoon. He presented me with a "coin" from the OMLT (operational mission liaison team) for all of my hardwork on the tour in support of them. It was sooooooooooooooo awesome to be thanked for all of my efforts.

Love Rae-Lynn

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