Had a really good day today.
Work wasn't crazy busy so I managed to bike over to the market for 30 minutes ish. Someone covered in case but didn't matter. I bought 7 movies. 2 of them don't work so they will be returned: My sister's keeper and superbad. The others are great: I love you beth cooper, American Violet, The Answer man, The proposal, Confessions of a shopaholic.
I managed to score myself a sweet dolce and gabana purse shown above. I love it.
I also picked up a Louis Vitton purse that I love!!! Good times. Good prices.
Then I ran out of money and had to go back to work. Finished at 1600 and came home, checked email. The free wi-fi from old canada house is back up and running. The thing is that I can't get reception from my tent. My WO told me if I buy a signal booster thingy for 55 then I will get 4 bars of reception on the wi-fi and that it is really fast compared to my pakistani highspeed. I bought it and it rocks. I will probably discontinue my pakistani highspeed after my vacation and just use this. It is awesome. I got online at old canada house with my ipod touch yesterday. Was cool.
I booked Paul's flights to get him from the the island to the mainland. He will fly out of comox to vancouver on the 22nd of august. The problem was getting him back to comox. There was a flight at 1830 but he lands at 1625 so I didn't know if that would be enough time for him to clear customs and check in and catch that flight especially if the flight from Germany gets delayed. I ended up booking him back at 1950 from Vancouver to Nanaimo. It was totally on sale for $88 total. Great deal. The problem now is figuring out how to get them back to Comox. Comox friends: please let me know if you will be travelling down to nanaimo at all between the 22nd august and the 12th of september. I am wondering if 2 or more are driving down if one of the people can drive my car and leave it at Aunt Marjorie and Gerry's house for Paul and Logan. That way, when they land, hopefully M&G can pick them up and then they will drive home. Please let me know if anyone can help us out!!!
That is all booked. It is good!!!
Gillian is going to take Bear and Tikka. Hopefully Bear and Hope will get along otherwise Bear will have to leave. If that is the case, I need to hook up a back up plan.
Paul picked out most of the new flooring on Friday. Sounds like it will be very nice.
Then I went to church tonight. Was good. Came back and called Paul to confirm that the Nanaimo flight was good and he said yes so then I booked it. Then I called my Grandma Edith. She is doing well. Mom and Auntie Betty are in Winnipeg right now for a visit but they were out shopping. Was nice to talk to her.
I got a letter in the mail today from my Mom today which was nice.
Didn't get any reading done of my book. That'll have to wait.
Didn't make it to the gym either. Was busy researching Paul & Logan's flights etc. Was another hot one today. Got an email from Allison today and Robyn and just one from Rolly. Was a nice surprise.
Finished watching "little miss sunshine" as well tonight. It was such a cute movie. Loved it!
Love Rae-Lynn time for bed!
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