Got up earlier this morning as I am trying to get my self ready to switch shifts in a week and a half. I went to bed at 2330 or 2340 last night and got up at 0815 but it was really really hard. Finally got up, checked my email and then since I was up I tried to call my hubby since I normally get up after he goes to bed. Tried and tried, couldn't get him on cell or land line. Was getting worried. Then I gave up trying, did the laundry run, and then went to the BX to buy this box to ship Paul's next parcel in. Apparently if you buy this big box, you can put 20kg of stuff in and it only cost $30 to mail. And the box is reusable. It is quite nice. Gonna give it a shot. Then I tried Paul again and nothing, so I walked down to try and find out about mailing stuff to the USA since I have received 2 packages from there. I found out I can throw letters in any USA postal box and mail them for free. Leonie, and Nadia, I'll have a card in the mail for you tomorrow. I am still trying to figure out how to send packages. People seem to think you have to be American to send stuff via the American postoffice. I will try soon and then if you do, I'll get an american friend to mail the stuff for me. Supposed to be really good rates. But if I do it myself, I may have to put a fake return address so don't mail to that address!!!! We shall see what happens. After that I went back and tried Paul again. By now it was almost 2200 his time I think. I finally got a hold of him. He had been working in the garage. He for some reason had a feeling I would call but forgot to take the phone out there. Was nice to chat with him because normally we don't talk till the weekends unless we send a few emails. The boot rack he is working on is looking great. After our wonderful chat, I came home and got ready to go to the gym. I went to the gym and had a great workout. I did level 2 and did 3.0 in 29 minutes and then did a full 35 minutes total for 3.56 and 498 cal or so. Had a quick shower and got ready for work. I headed to the mess for lunch and then in to work.
At around 1500 I think, maybe a little later Dave delivered a huge package for me from Mom H. It was really heavy and awesome. She send me 4 packages of wax strips(totally need now that the estheticians are closed down), 5 packs of cosmetic pads for my face, a new venus razor with 2 blades + 4 4packs super awesome- I was running out and they always run out of stock here, 4 cans of leg shaving cream, 500 ml of Glysomed body lotion with a 250 ml bonus pack, a tube of deep conditioning vaseline cocoa butter cream, a tube of shave cream for women, and a tube of healing foot cream for my dry and cracked feet. I love everything. It was awesome. I hope that will do me for the rest of the deployment. Thank you so much Mom, you are the best!!! I have THE BEST MOTHER-IN-LAW in the world. Everyone was surprised that I got a package from my mother in law because most mother in laws don't like their sons spouses!!! Was so funny. I was talking about how much I love her and how great she is.
Then I finished work. Was pretty busy. Got out of there at 1930 or so and walked home. Went to the mess for a quick supper and then came online so I could email Mom and thank her and post on my blog.
Hopefully after this weekend, I will be able to send Paul's next parcel to make sure I get everything in there.
Love Rae-Lynn
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